
In the new issue of flyfisherman, there is an article about trigger flies. it is two hooks, and it gives it a wiggling motion. they look very affective. one of the patterns the brokeback crawdaddy, looked awsome, but i didn’t have the materials for it… that is when it happened. I tried to make my own pattrn. key wordTRIED!It turned out horrible, if anyone has read this article, could you please help me out with this, it if very agrivating!


There are pictures of three different trigger flies on this link. No crawdaddy though. and no Recipes , however they don’t look that difficult to figure out.

the recipes are in said article.
you need to explain your prolem in more detail to get help.

Looks like a tandem rig. You need to attach the back hook to the front. You can use a loop of mono or fluorocarbon. Tie in a piece of the mono/fluorocarbon on top of the shank of the first hook, leaving a tag end long enough to form a loop. Wrap it down and secure with Zap-A-Gap. Probably the best way to work it is to tie the back half of the pattern first, then pull the tag through the eye and form the loop. Wrap down the tag end down on top of the shank, secure with Z-A-G. Then build the front half of the fly.
Another way would be to it would be to snell the back hook and tie the back half of the fly, then secure the tag end to the front hook, and tie the front half.
If you’re dealing with toothy critters you might consider using Spider Wire or similar product.

The probolom is that, i’m not the best at just looking at a recipie, and tying it right up. What i do, is i find a flie that is in that category, and tie it with step by step instructions, then it seems like it is alot easier. But I can’t find any step by stem insturctions. I’ll probobally try to make a dozen more today, to just figure something up on my own. But if anyone could find any step by step instructions, that would be awsome.


Here is the great Al Campbell explaining the tandem hook process for a minnow pattern.
[url=]Al’s Poly Minnow[/url:0cadd]