Arkansas Flyfishers HELP!

Well its not as urgent as the title made it out to be, but I would really appreciate some help here. I am planning a road trip with a buddy for early to late may. I would like to do all wade fishing, and try to stick with smaller water, since my buddy is pretty new to this sport. I was just wondering where I should fish in Northern Arkansas, and where these streams are best wade fished. So far I have been thinking the Norfork and either Beaver Lakes tailwater or Spring River. Probably be there for three fishing time so which river would deserve two days over the other. Well any help would be GREATLY APPRECIATED. Also what might I expect to hatch around this time. THANKS.

Hey bud…

good to see you again…

Who Need Arkansas… when you can fish day (yeah right!!) or night here at Taneycomo… LOL…

If you want some good info on The creek, lakes, and stream… where to fish and some good fishing report…

Try (John Wilsons website)…


lets fish again soon!!

Hey Nightangler!
Sorry never made it back down agian. I had an absolute blast that night. But the busy college life got the better of my schedule, and not to mention ongoing vehicle problems. I dont even have a vehicle right now or I would be down there fishing these warm spells. Only a few more weeks until I get one though. I know this would strongly go against your religion, but maybe we can meet up on a warm spring DAY, and fish some hatches. Anyway thanks for the site, I just wanna try some new waters.

Surly there are some Arkansas boys on here that could help. But then agian they might all be out fishing these shad kills I’m hearing so much about. Anyone?

It all depends on the generation from the dams. If they are still running water when you come, you’ll likely be sitting and watching unless you hook up with someone with a boat. Looks like Beaver Tailwater is finally getting some low water days. Looks like they are still running Norfork pretty hard along with Bull Shoals.

You can check generation here:


Well I wouldnt be down until mid May wayne. But I hope the rivers will be down. That would be one way to ruin the whole trip. Do you think shad kill would still be a possiblity that late in the year? And what are some possible hatches I should be prepared for that time of year. Thanks

Yeah, that is the only problem with Norfork… those darn generators. If you get lucky and they aren’t generating it is really nice. That was were I took my first fly fishing trip. An alternative, depending on where you are coming from, is Beaver’s Bend in Oklahoma. THere is a large section of the river that is not under any generation.

The Little Missouri (Little Mo) outside of Murfreesboro in southwestern Arkansas,is also a sweet little tailwater full of hungry trout. It’s 6 miles of primarily gravel botttom is easy to wade.

Check out guide Jeff Guerin’s excellent website:

So, if the “great” rivers of northen Arkansas (which I love dearly) are “blown out”, then this pretty little stream is a wonderful alternative.


Well sorry to say you will have missed the shad kill. Its a cold water phenom (through ocassionally you get one late summer) but you will hit some good fishing anyway.

May is good before the summer hordes descend, the days are nice and hopefully the tornados gone away. :stuck_out_tongue: Water generation generally should be pretty fair _ I say should because lots could happen between now and then and in tailwaters you have to have a backup plan for generation

Im at Beaver, and we will jump to Taney (1.15hr)often, Bull (2hrs) depending on generation. We will also hit Roaring River (30mins) if one of our trips gets cut short, or grab our drift boat and float the river.

Hatches wise you have year round midge hatches on the tailwaters, the mayfly and caddis action is a little more dicey, dependant on water levels and trout fickleness. Caddis is great often in March April, bigolive on the below Bull. It will work its way upstream from the Buffalo area toward the dam.

Norfolk can have some very nice sulphur hatches too.

My “secret” is midweek mayfly hatches on roaring river, PMDs Pale Evenings, Tricos Bwos and the chance at some big (hatchery fattened tho) fish.

Long fine leaders, accurate presentations and lots of fun, oh and brings some stims in yellow 16 :wink:

If the water level is low I also love the section of C&R on Bull above the State Park. skinny water very good fish and they will eat dries too

tough going tho :wink: You need a thick skin to handle the refusals lol

If you wnat more details as the trip gets closer give me a bell or email at the store.

Thanks for the help steve. I really cant wait, and should have the vise on hand in case some unexpected hatches appear. I hope the weather will allow some descent flows, or we may end up just staying here in the show-me state. Are those yellow stimis your talking about for the little golden stones, or mayflys, because I have tons of yellow humpys ties up.

Anyone else for some last pointers?

You got two good pointers. Jeff on the little missouri is a good guide and the little mo is great fishing.

John Wilson on the white river is good also. I fished with him in Dec and caught bunches of rainbows but caught a 17", 22" and a 25" brown trout. That was a great trip.

Either one of these guys are very good guides.

Good luck.


The flows are great right now, everywhere is getting into the swing of spring fishing. Things can change but its looking good.

The yellow humpies will just be fine for roaring river _ lots of terrestrials falling and they get nailed. Plus you see a lot of Sulphurs as I mentioned so yellow gets them excited.
