I saw this topic on another board and thought it would be fun to see how it went here.
It is now the end of Jan. 2007. How many of those flies that you said you were gonna’ tie this winter have you got done so far? Hmmmmmm…?
For myself I have done way more tying than I planned on only because I couldn’t tie for the longest time due to a hand injury, I’ve done two swaps at another board and have been tying every night at least 1/2 a dozen of each pattern. Way over a 150 plus the ones I did for the two swaps mine are done and I’m still tying.
Lets see I tied for three swaps a total of 48 flies. I’m tyeing for myself patterns I want to tie of about 1 dozen per pattern. I have at least 10 patterns I want to tie at the moment and I’m sure I’ll be tyeing many more. I don’t know how many I’ve tied and really I don’t care because I’m having fun.
So far I have been able to tie may be a dozen flies this winter. It is hard to tie these days (years really) with two young children (a son who is nearly 3 and a daugher who just turned 1). No complaints though.
My count for the year is at 164 . I’ve still got 1300 more to do to get where I was at the end of 2006 . I try and tye at least 1/2 dozen a day depending on the kids homework, basketball, soccer, volleyball, pioneer club, and cub scout schedules. I’m a little behind were I’d like to be but with things pretty well frozen up I should catch up and maybe even pull ahead befor the serious fishing and kids activities begin.