are waterproof fly boxes...

…really waterproof? (sounds like that geico commercial “is ed “too yall” jones really too tall” :D)

Can’t speak for some of the newer “high-end” boxes personally. But the plano waterproof compartment boxes and the Orvis compartment boxes with the gaskets are only waterproof to rain. Have yet to find one that is waterproof if submerged when wading. I know my buddy complained about the smaller C&F box he uses for his midges with the compartments and magnets? This winter on the Breeches it filled up while wading…and it’s supposed to be waterproof. He wasn’t happy:^)

I took an unintentional swim in the Clark’s Fork and my Scientific Anglers System X box stayed dry.



i carry alot of the small c&f boxes and i dont think they are advertised as waterproof. i could be wrong

from the c&f website

i dont believe these are waterproof

I have unintentionally submerged a few of my C & F boxes and the contents were dry when I checked them at the end of the day. These are the ones with the gasket. I don’t know how long of an immersion they will withstand, but I know that from off and on deep wading and getting my hip pack dunked, they’ve stayed dry as advertised.

I have C&F WATERPROOF boxes and they are!
Note, not all C&F boxes are adverticed to be waterproof.


Norman, Not sure which one he has…but I know some of them are waterproof, & he wasn’t happy:^)

Apparently so, as my friends who watched my midge box float on by at Henry’s Fork can attest. They were on one of the cliffs there, and saw a small green fly box float by. It had come off the zinger on my laniard, about a quarter of a mile upstream. It’s probably still floating, on its way to the ocean.

Floating and waterproof are definitely two different things. My C&F boxes float nicely, but I don’t own the waterproof ones and am prone to wading a bit too deep in my favorite spring creek which requires me to dry out my chest pack and all of the fly boxes residing therein. You’d think I’d learn. A couple of years ago I purchased a ‘Mayfly Pouch’ and have found it rides high enough to keep me out of trouble. I no longer tether any of my fly boxes outside of my vest/pack for the very reason Eric’s box made the scenic trip down the HFork. I haven’t been smart enough to purchase the waterproof versions, but I like my C&F boxes so much I’m sure I’ll probably keep putting up with a little water.


The SA System Max series boxes use a gasket and vacuum sealing to make the box waterproof. If you simply close the box it is not waterproof. You need to push on the center of each side of the box to make a airtight vacuum seal with the gasket. If you do this, the box is waterproof. I have dunked a box not doing this and some moisture does come in. If you make a vacuum it is very water tight (even airtight). Overall, I have been very happy with these boxes.


Most of the waterproof boxes I have seen which are actually waterproof are also pretty heavy. Most boxes will however float at least long enough to be retrieved where possible.
Merril makes a box of an all foam construction which is held closed with magnets in the corners. These are light as a feather and float like corks. In fact I doubt they will ever sink.
If you flies do get wet, open the boxes and let them dry. A hair dryer used carefully can speed the process as will placing them where they can be heated slightly by a light bulb, just don’t get them too close or you will surely melt something. Once dried they should be good to go!
Tight lines,

The SA boxes I’ve been using have kept the water out both when I’ve waded deep or taken a few accidental dips in the water. I’ve been happy with them. :slight_smile:

I’m in agreement with setnhooked … all my boxes are now Scientific Angler Max series because of the gasket vacuum seal system. I have found nothing better.