anyone know the story about this sign?

Guess it was taken in Minnesota?

It doesn’t look like a DNR sign.

Can the locals in MN actually enforce such a CRAZY thing?

If it is a privately owned facility they can make whatever rules they want. If it’s public land and water, I would contact my local Conservation Officer, Game Warden, etc to inquire about the sign. Looks to me like it’s probably someone intimidated by fly fishers who catch more fish than bait slingers.:p:p:p



i don’t know wading laws in MN…

Most wisconsin anglers would be attracted to such a sign (waders)

I think any kind of sign that limits public rights to waterways are wrong.

I’m with you, Mr Harris. Those Minnesotans sure know how to put the kibosh on fun, ain so!

All for me? And not a question
For the faded flowers gay
That could take me from beside you
For the ages of a day?
They are yours, and be the measure
Of their worth for you to treasure,
The measure of the little while
That I?ve been long away.

Uhhhhhhhhh, unless I’m reading a different sign, than the one you’re all saying is “WRONG”, (WHICH I AGREE WITH… IT IS! ). What’s the difference, between this sign that says “not fly fishing” and the waters WE fly fishermen like, that are posted "FLY FISHING ONLY waters, saying the SAME thing, in reverse, to the spin and bait bunch!??

Now, if you go to THIS LINK… … about the Winnebago Valley Fishing, they even OFFER “Fly Fishing Hints and Tips” and tout it as a “great Trout fishery”!?
Although, the link I gave, is for a private sector of this valley, maybe that’s it?!

Just how do you get those tiny flies to stay on them hooks!!??


If fly fishing is about using flies as lure/bait/enticement, then family fishing should be about throwing one of your family members out there to do the same.

QUESTION:::: Which member would YOU use FIRST!!?? HA!HA!


Especially those that cite “environmental” reasons that really aren’t.


I think the sign might be a friendly poke at the elitist/snobbery view some people have of “Fly Fishing” - they are trying to get across the idea of “Here, fishing is a fun and family oriented activity and not just something you do with a long whippy rod and heavy line so don’t get agravated at other people fishing differently than you”. In other words, you can take your tackle of choice, but leave any bad attitude behind.

That’s how I took it anyway. Honest, I’ve been wrong before!

  • Jeff

I was once kicked off a local Park Lake because Fly Fishing was too dangerous. The ranger was afraid someone would get caught in the back cast.

I reported the incident to the City Mayor, Manager, Parks Dept., etc. We can now fish that lake - no problem :slight_smile:

Pan-besides the other, I posted, I also immediately thought the same, exact, thing.
Here, we have “Fort Stevens State Park” on the beach, that has a fresh water lake on it open to fishing.
But, around the picnic and boat launching docks, there are signs that prohibit “Fly Casting-due to limited space”. In other words, they’re saying “too many people, in a small area, especially children, to be throwing 60’ of line around your head with a sharp hook on one end!”
Which, if course, I agree with. I’d MUCH rather catch a bush or tree on a back cast, than a small child. The small child, you have to chase down, when they run off screaming across the grass to get your fly back. Plus, the bigger the kid, the harder it is on the reel’s drag to slow him down. That takes up valuable fishing time.

I took the sign to mean that: Bring the family fishing were not just fly fishing

Alright Jeff, let’s not bring perspective, logic, and reason into this little rant. Rants are no place for such activities… :wink:


Ed, who is trying to crack a joke. (If I broke it, please don’t rant at me…)

The wife is of course!!
Hope she doesn’t see me typing this.

Hi EdD,

Oops! I should have known better but posted without thinking. Nothing worse than rantus interuptus! :slight_smile:

  • Jeff

Bad Luck Larry? how’d ya get that name? Casting family members? lol… ( Just a joke)

I think Jeff is on the right track here.

I’ve never seen such a sign in Minnesota, but I’d interpret the sign as trying to say that fly fishing is complicated, expensive, and elitist and it’s trying to set up the notion that making rivers “fly only” by law stops families from fishing.

This argument comes out every year at numerous MN-DNR advisory meetings and IMO it’s just an excuse that a few conk-em-all meat fishermen use to try to justify their attitude toward fishing and they’re dragging kids into the mix to try to bolster a weak argument.

Unfortunately there still are a few anglers out there that can’t accept that in this day and age, we need to have hard limits on the number of fish that are killed. Confining fishing to artificial means is one of the main management tools available to help limit both the catch and the damage that is done to the fish when they ARE caught and then need to be released. Unfortunately, the use of live bait, simply produces too many deep-hooked fish that will die if released and since we need to protect the resource for the common good of all anglers, we simply cannot allow this kind of anything goes fishing any more.

Technically, there are no “fly fishing only” waters in Minnesota. “Fly only” is just unofficial shorthand for “Angling allowed only with artificial artificial lures.” And usually this also involves a limit to the number of hook points that can be present on each lure. That’s it. There is no requirement to use a fly rod or fly line.

There’s nothing in Minnesota law that says you can’t spin fish for trout, so there’s nothing “family unfriendly” about waters where the rules dictate artificial lures only. The kids can still use their Zebco 202 on their Camp Snoopy rod, along with a bobber or a mepps, they just can’t use worms.

There’s nothing family unfriendly about it and more to the point, there are still thousands of miles of streams and rivers where you can use bait if you so choose.


I wonder what weight rod to use when fishing family members? Not to mention what tippet size for proper turnover.