Anyone got any snow??

In southern Ill. were still in the 50’s and 60’s! and is gonna take a while before we get some snow.
the most snow we have ever had when i was alive was like 13" thats alot but not compared to other places how much have you guys got? And have you ever gone ice fishing??

I live in Anchorage Alaska and we received ten inches about a month ago. since then it has been between five above and 20 below brrrrrrrrrrrr :o

wow sounds like a cold 1!!
i wish we had cold weather all the
time i like it the best!

No snow in Lewiston Idaho, thats why I live here. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Got a rain/snow mix coming down in NE Ohio tonight.


36 degrees celcius here right now, dunno what that is in farenheit. Barbecue steak last night, hot, dry dry and dry, worst drought in ten years… just thought I’d share it.

Snow? I wish…

In my own little piece of heaven, in the valley, natta, and drive 1 hour in any direction to the Mountains and there is the white stuff. It would be nice if it did stay there but alas, we know it won’t. We are going to get blasted soon enough.


I think we’re safe from snow in South Carolina for another month or so. Actually, we had a terrible ice storm right before Christmas last year which knocked out the power for over a week—not cool at all. Give me snow any time. 8T :lol:

eight thumbs seems like you love the snow too!
:shock: :shock: i just wish it got cold enough
around here because i really really always wanted to go ice fishing but never gets cold enough and the ice won’t get thick enough! :twisted: :evil: lol
maybe one day!


had it, lost it, waiting for it again :lol:

I love to snowshoe, so the sooner the better. Ice fishing is alright, but it really doesn’t compare to summer fishing unless it’s just an excuse to get out in the scenary. :wink:

We had 12 inches a week ago in SE MN, but most of it has melted away.

No snow here in NW Chicago metro area either. Temps vary from mid 20’2 to high 40’s. As a matter of fact, the last time I saw snow was October 23rd homeward bound from Jacskon Wyoming. It was a storm that had us stopped for 5 hrs on I-80 near Rock Springs Wyo. Thankfully, I just filled the tank. That’s my Jeep SITTING till the snow melted under it.

Fisher Kid: My dad died 11 years ago yesterday. Take the 2 hours and go fishing again and again and again. My dad and I still go fishing often in my memories.


I don’t get the kick out of ice fishing like I used to. I find that cutting a large enough hole for fly casting makes me too tired to fish.

Besides that I find that when I get a 1/2 pound fish fish thru the icehole and onto the ice. I often hear from the other fishermen around the lake “Hey fella how big is it?” So I make an honest guess at the weight to call out back to them. What do you know? It has grown so large that I just know that any fish that big couldn’t possibly fit thru that tiny hole This makes catch and release while ice fishing nigh on impossible.

As for snow If I had my way it would be banned to Mountain tops, Christmas cards, and the occasional sno cone.

You don’t have to shovel rain.

To answer your question, nope not yet.

No snow here. It’ll be in the mid 50’s by the end of the week. I’m thinking of grill’in some shrimp on the Barbie this Thanksgiving, but on Saturday…

Taking the wife up North for a romantic interlude. I can just picture it now — a warm fireplace, cozy blanket, soft bed, the smell of oak, a nice bottle of wine, and hopefully fresh falling snow seen through a lightly frosted window. All inside a small log cabin nestled in the woods surrounded by tall trees, and a trout stream gurgling next to it…

Nope - no snow (that’s stayed anyhow). Had some - warmed up. More snow - melted. Rain - gone. Snow - melted. Ice stormish Thurs … weather’s confused.

Gnu Bee … go with a Ty. VI sink line and cast to a 10" hole. Use an unweighted BHWB (or any streamer really) and fish it like a chironomid … :shock:

Just waitin on the 20 below and 3 ft snow … this cool damp air make it hard to BBQ …

Maybe fly ice fishing isn’t so far fetch. Orvis came out with this ooey gooey grub. It is squishy and I can see Chan style with it LOL:

nope - not too far fetched … flyice fishing … I do it once a year (past 2 yrs) … there is a 24hr ice fishing marathon that’s a fundraiser for CancerCare up here ($13k 1st year, $20k+ this year). I don’t ice fish much (if at all) but for this - I do (also happens to be on dads b-day - lost him to cancer a # of years back).

I take my fly rod along - and keep it beside me. But I do use flies only on my line. I’m not there to catch fish - socialize and raise $$$ for a great cause.

Think I’ll zip a grub or 2 up … looks tasty :lol:

No Snow for us up here in Manitoba, im pretty usre the temperatures are unbelevably warm for this time of year…only dips below freezing at night. Which is good considering the Grey Cup (canadian football championship) was held in our city yesterday.