He’s missing from the board.
I’ll send him a email
I used to have his Ph# but just looked in my contacts and wasnt there So sorry …Hope hes ok!!!
Thought I saw him post the other day but can’t remember where. I will try to find it.
He’s around, I saw a post from him on the Arizona Board just the other day. Likely, he’s gotten busy like the rest of us.
Last year he went to visit his son in CA and was AWOL for a period of time.
Last I heard he was in a car crash but he was ok. His truck was getting repaired. Hope he’s well.
I spoke with Jim on the phone yesterday.
He is well, and was touched that he’s been missed.
He believes he’s been ‘banned’ from posting here. I don’t know if it’s true or not. I don’t know, and I don’t want to know, the circumstances that caused him to feel this way. It’s really none of my business. Sometimes people can get their backs up and become stubborn over the most trivial of issues.
He does send his best wishes to everyone.
If anyone needs to get in touch with him, you can PM me and I’ll provide his phone nuumber.
I hope he wasn’t banned. He’s a heck of a nice guy, and an asset to the FAOL community.
He has NOT been banned. Don’t know where he got the idea, but it just ain’t so.
He is not on the members list. when I found that I thought it might be at his own request because he has written about that in the past. If not, perhaps he is the victim of some kind of computer error.
When I click on his profile he is active. May be he is the victim of the system problem we had a few days back?
Somebody please tell the man to come back, I’m sure it was a computer issue.
Gemrod please let us know your OK …we miss you man!!!
please at least email someone to let us know your ok…
I talked to him.
He’s fine.
Gemrod was signed in this morning at a little after 8:00 AM.
Oh fine! we pour our hearts out to him and then he signs on and doesn’t say Hi! Um…who were we talking about again?
Thanks Buddy!!!
Lets Unleash the hounds on him…noooo not really…he’s a nice guy I talked to eem on the phone a couple a times and seemed like a cool person.
i just hope he aint in a bind of any sorts.
Ok Gemrod we’re “all” gonna show up at your place and sip whiskey sours on your porch until you talk to us again…lololol
As much as I would like to make one, I suppose I just will just say “no comment”.
Personally I’m intensely allergic to begging someone to return after their choosing to not participate in FAOL. If he/she makes the decision to split, to me it’s ADIOS ( NO negative connotation). NO ONE is THAT important that their decision will even remotely affect a forum with as many participants as has FAOL. With few exceptions NO ONE will/can bring these wheels to a halt. I understand there ARE ( I’m told) other FF forums where the departed may feel more comfortable. I would wish them well there.