Any info out there on an old Lamson Bonefish reel?

Thought I’d throw this out there in case there was someone who currently or previously owned one of these reels. I have an uncle in Florida who decided to dabble in fly fishing when he moved to Florida some years back, bought high end gear for it, but then at some point abandoned the pursuit. When he mentioned this to me a while back I told him I’d be happy to help him sell his gear for whatever it was worth, as I’ve managed to accumulate all the gear that I could reasonably need for now. To my surprise, when I went to my parents for Christmas yesterday, I found that my uncle had shipped his gear up to them to give to me, with the highlights being a Sage 990-3 RPLX rod and Lamson Bonefish reel. I’m still trying to decide whether to just sell some or all of the gear and send him the money, but in the interim am trying to find some information on the reel and was hoping there might be some folks on the board with knowledge along these lines.

From the very little I’ve been able to find online, it looks as if this reel might have been made by Lamson when they were owned by Sage (which was a bit of history I didn’t know) and just before they were sold to the current owners. While I’ll probably try anyway, that makes me skeptical that I’ll be able to gleen much information by calling Lamson’s customer service. I guess my questions boil down to two key areas: 1) can the retrieve be changed, and if so, how? 2) what are the general maintenance recommendations, e.g., lube, cleaning, etc.? If someone happened to still have any of the “use and care” paperwork from their reel that they could make a copy or scan of, I’d be happy to reimburse you for any expense incurred to fax or email it to me, but would also be happy for any information that could be passed on via this forum as well. Thanks in advance.


Would have to look thru alot of fly fishing references to see if the Bonefish is similar to a LP 3.5, which is an 8 weight reel popular for bonefish; so from the " use & care " paper: basically to convert from LHW to RHW just slide the clutch gear off the spindle by pulling straight up; a little pressure is required as the clutch is held in by a retaining ring on the spindle. Turn the clutch over & slide it back over the spindle. Align the 3 pins in the clutch with the 3 holes in the drag disc & push straight down. Care: rinse with fresh water & a small amount of lithium grease be applied to the spindle.

Thanks SDD. I posted this on a saltwater-oriented forum and got a couple of replies, including one guy that had the LP that you mentioned and one that had the Bonefish model that I have. Sounds like the Bonefish came out just after the LP and actually just before Sage owned Lamson for a short while. In any event, I think I got the information I need on switching the retrieve, which was similar but not quite identical I think to the instructions for yours. Thanks much though.