Any "Gotta Have" Apps for Blackberry?

My wife and I decided to dive headfirst into the 21st Century. We upgraded from our VERY BASIC cell phone plan to a plan with full-fledged texting, email, internet capabilities, etc. I am now the proud owner of a Blackberry Curve. Don’t really know how to use it yet but I’m learning.

So, are there any apps for my new Blackberry that I just GOTTA HAVE? I’m paying for the privelege so might as well make the most of it. Any suggestions? Thanks.

Get Shazam. Not always useful, and maybe not a ‘gotta have’ but for the situations in which you’d use it, its awesome.

Ever been out to a bar, restaurant, mall, or even just listening to a radio, and a song comes on that youve heard a milliion times, or maybe just sounds familiar? Hit up Shazam, and it will use the phone’s speaker to listen to the song, then tell you what it is.

“So, are there any apps for my new Blackberry that I just GOTTA HAVE? I’m paying for the privelege so might as well make the most of it. Any suggestions? Thanks.”

Run down to the local hardware and get a 12 pound sledgehammer. Apply directly to the face of the Blackberry. Fixes everyone I have ever seen.


Darn - here I was thinking blackberry jam on a peanut butter and jam sandwich or blackberry pie ala mode.

Angry Birds. Its addictive!!


When I was important enough to have a Crackberry it had a GPS that could be useful at times. I’m not that important at the moment.

Since you’re hanging out with fishermen and ladies, you might want to look into some type of waterproof container to put it in. I proved they are not water tolerant themself.

Pandora is very handy at times. I don’t have a ton of stuff on mine, but Facebook and an ESPN shortcut get used from time to time.

Blackberry!? Are they still around? :wink:


Sure Blackberrys are still around. I use mine to prop up my 8-Track!

Kaboom1 - What can I say - ROFLMAO!! Sorry Royce!!!

Best regards, Dave S.

This, perfect.

Honestly though the best thing you can get for your blackberry is an “Otter Box” best phone case made. Protected mine for 2 years of fishing, hunting, and working construction.

If available for the Blackberry format, Google Mobile App is a great tool. It contains “voice search” which allows you to say, for example, " fly fishing ", and it’ll open links in Google to that subject. Also “photo search” which lets you take a photo of something and if information regarding THAT photo is in the data base, it’ll tell ya what it is. I use mine, on Apple iPhone4, as a spelling aid. Just say the word and it’ll show you the correct spalling,definition and correct pronunciation. It also
“identifies barcodes, products, famous landmarks, storefronts, artwork, business cards, and print ads”.
As far as these devices in general, I can and do operate ( when away from home) my entire business via a Quickbooks with my iPhone. AND as an added benefit I can also view my grandkids photos or videos if I have a free moment. I am not a techy junkie but these devices are AMAZING and much more than just an expensive phone.


A fly fishing app called The Hatch.

I use Poynt a bit. It tells where the nearest restaurants are, what is showing at local movies, weather with weather maps and more. All of this because it knows where you are when you fire it up.
A neat feature is ‘reverse lookup’ where it tells you who called and from where. I find this handy for missed calls that I don’t recognize.

Is there an Android version of that?

Don’t know if iPhone apps work on a Blackberry (big fingered luddite here) but here’s a fly fishing app.


BlackBerry lack the apps!! I have not found anything worth my while to download on my BlackBerry Tour except for the TWC (The Weather Channel), anything good will cost you. This is one reason I am switching to the iPhone because they have over 93,000 apps and majority of them are free. Androids have over 11,300 which is good also.

Call me a dinosaur but I own a cell phone.
It is turned off. I carry it on stream for emergencies ONLY.
I have never texted in my life and never plan to.

It is one of my pet peeves…
People affixed to their electronic.
Len “osaurous”

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