I had a couple of pairs of Anvil scissors and after a couple of years of use the screw came loose. I tried peening the screw to keep it in place but that didn’t work. I held onto them for a while and finally contacted the company. They told me to send them in and they’d replace the screw. I returned home from vacation to find an envelope from Anvil containing two pairs of brand new scissors. I was not expecting this at all and was extremely well pleased. Just letting you all know the company stood behind their product far more than I expected. Thanks Anvil.
Good to hear. The Anvil Mini Accu-Tip are my primary tying scissors. They are finely crafted and the best scissors I have found.
I’ve owned and used a pair of the ergonomic scissors since I started tying…Ummm at least 17 years ago…and they are still my favorites…Their in my hand from the time I sit down at the desk till I finnish my last whip finnish of the night they are so comfortable!!. Just wish I could find a place that still carries them…as I’m sure they gotta wear out some day.They are the best!
Do you know the name brand and model, perhaps someone might know a source for that someday?
Anvil Bio Tec’s! Now that JC has made the obvious clearly visible to me!!..lol…Feather Craft sold them as “ergonomic” designed…And have dropped them from their catalog’s…and now I at least know they are still made…Had my doubt’s after FC dropped them…I also now see that they make these in a “Thumb Free” series which would make them even more perfect!!! Ordered a Catalog directly from Anvil…Had to invent a company name for myself…but whatever it takes!!