I don’t rememder seeing this before but it must have shown up as much as we have beaten this horse.
http://www.graysofkilsyth.com/fishing-k … s-loop.htm
Looks cool. A coat of Loon UV would make it really sexy.
Bob Bolton
I don’t rememder seeing this before but it must have shown up as much as we have beaten this horse.
http://www.graysofkilsyth.com/fishing-k … s-loop.htm
Looks cool. A coat of Loon UV would make it really sexy.
Bob Bolton
I have enough trouble poking a single piece of mono through for a needle knot.
Doing two never crossed my mind
Wow! is right. I just got a new 9’ 6wt and new DT floating line for it. Perfect timing to give this loop a try.
Looks like pretty small work, but a beauty. I guess if I can tie those size 18 parachute hackles I oughta give
it a shot. ( sometimes those 18’s are too tough though ) …Dan
Wow, That is pretty slick.
The construction of the line is critical…can’t do it with all types…
Yea, but You just have to read the fine print
There is a reason this isn’t a popular joint. It isn’t easy to tie. The shiney stuff is Loon UV over the knot. That stuff is great. I’ll let you know how it works out.
Bob Bolton