Went out with a fly I tied up with left-over materials. Worked better than the Goldie Jr, black or white boa yarn flies or a black furled tail leech today. No pictures as I lost it on a fish.
size 10 hook, small bead head. brown lalma hair as dubbing and two pieces of peacock tied on in the middle and then folded back to form 4 legs that went about 1/4 inch beyond the bend of the hook.
the peacock was red. Had to many other things to do today to get any more tied.
Thanks when you post the pics Rick. I want to try tying it. But I am not too good at going by a material list and creating the objective fly. I sure would like to see the picture to know what I am trying to achieve as I try to tie it.
Like Greg said, I was not sure what it looked like. I had an idea in my minds eye, but it was only a guess. It looks like something gills would eat, so I need to tie a few.