
It wouldn’t feed a trout but may fool it into taking it, a Skinny Emerging buzzer.

Boar’s Bristle on a Partridge fine wire size 12 Czech Nymph hook over wiped with a brown marker and some superglue, tuft of Caddis Brown Zelon under a ginger hackle.

An Olive version ‘wet’ off the vice, the oversized hackle is to give a good footprint as it hangs down from the surface film - yet to be proven though!

A question was asked on FFF - will it float?

Looks like it does!

Does in the pint tumbler I tried it, hopefully it will in the water too!

Just dropped it in and the bend broke the surface tension no problem, will be better with some velocity behind it on a cast though - ginking up the hackle will ensure good cocking on the water. The Zelon behind the hackle helps a lot too.

I think that using something like a Surgeons loop will allow it to swivel on the end of the tippet and not have to break the tippet clear of the water if it was a strangle knot to the eye.

Ohhhh! I like that !!! “Simple” flies that work! Can’t beat it!!

Looks very, very good Roddy. Keep em commin!:smiley:


Very nice. Glad to see you put that Javelina hair to good use. How did you incorporate the Zelon? Dubbed? Split thread? Inquiring minds want to know.


Isn’t there some sort of curse if you put water in a Guiness glass? ;):wink:

Regards Mike

I’m not Irish so it doesn’t apply. Mind you the curse of Guinness is always the next day!


after securing the Javelina, I introduce the Zelon right at the stepdown to the hook and fold it over, pulling it back and securing, cut it off at about 1/8" so it springs apart and then add the hackle, it fans out well over the top of the hook shank and just gives that extra bit of attractiveness to the footprint.