I’ve just published an interview with Homer Circle, aka Uncle Homer, on the www.flyfishohio.com web site. He’s joined in the interview by Glen Lau, perhaps our greatest angling cinematographer and the man who made the movie Bigmouth! This one-hour audio interview is available on iTunes or you can download it directly from the site. I’d love to hear what you think!
I am surprised to hear Homer Circle is still alive! It brought back memories of when I was a kid, I subscribed to Sports Afield and read everything by Homer Circle, the bass editor. I also liked to read articles by and about Glenn Lau, because he guided on Lake Erie before it had its comeback. I still have one of his Lau lures, a weight forward spinner for smallmouth and walleyes. This was all in the late 60’s and early 70’s. I also have a few of the Heddon Sonics that Homer Circle developed. The interview was very good, I liked to hear their stories and opinions even though Uncle Homer says you can’t catch Florida bass on the fly.
Great interview! I am dating myself, but I remember Uncle Homer’s predecessor at Sports Afield…that being Jason Lucas, my 1st “fishing guru”! Mr. Lucas wrote the 1st article I ever read about fly fishing for bluegills, a subject which is still near & dear to me. Speaking of which, Joe…you need to get up here to Canton & fish “The Factory” with me. I’ll get you into some of those huge gills. That’s the pond that you, Jeremy, & I discussed after the Northern Ohio Tying Expo.
As far as Glenn Lau goes, when he guided on Lake Erie, he offered a “money back guarantee” if no fish were caught on his charter.
Thanks for a nice interview & trip down memory lane.
Boy, that makes two of us. God bless him, he had really got to be pushing 90! I loved his articles is Sports Afield back the the late 50’s and 60’s, and I always looked forward the the SA Big Fishing Mag that only came out once a year. A kid could dream of those incredible fish and trips, and Homer always had a good bassin piece in there every year. Good to hear he is still active.
I’m glad you guys liked the interview. I’m especially touched that Uncle Homer sent me a nice, autographed 8x10 of the photo I used in the web landing page. The guy is about as cool as they get - I hope I’m as “with it” when I’m 94 and still fishing every week!
As for the ‘factory’ - just try to keep me from heading up! Let me know when the water’s right!