Aluminum Pfleuger Medalist

There’s a vintage medalist listed on ebay that has an aluminum finish on the reel frame …the seller says it was made that way…anyone heard of this?

Is it the Madison?:


Do these answer your ?


Here it is:

ive gone thru every vintage pfleuger medalist on ebay and not one of them say anything about an aluminum frame

is it this one


the paint on the frame is worn/sanded off and looks like aluminum

Sorry, Norman, I meant to include the link and just forgot.
Yes, that is the one…my first thought was, like you, someone stripped the black finish off…questioned the seller and he said it was built that way…DShock’s link makes me wonder.

If you look closely at the rivets, you can see some paint, so it was probably stripped with paint stripper, sanding would of scratched up the finish, and done a number on the writting.

I collect pfluegers, and this is not an original look.

I feel dumb …the paint around the rivets is so obvious.

Chris was that you that just bought the one on ebay for $222?

Nope wasn’t me who bought that reel, the wife would of skinned me and put me out to dry!

It is a prestine condition reel though., very nice.

The reel that you are looking at is very nice also, and not expensive, it would look nice on an old fly rod.

Have a great weekend,