Allies Chenille Coachman

I’m looking for the recipe for this fly. There may be a recipe on Page 7 or page 35 of Robert H. Alley’s 40 Best Trout Flies.
I’m not yet willing to shell out the bucks to buy the book, but would appreciate someone sending me the recipe and/or a picture if such is available.
I found the book at, but I haven’t made a qualifying purchase there so I can’t review those pages.
Please, pm me with your address if you have the information and I’ll send you my home Email address, or just post the recipe and/or picture somewhere on FAOL and let me know where.
I have been unsuccessful :confused: on Google and so now I’m seeking help from the professionals.

rodgerole…neophyte fly tyer

Does this sound like it?

Allies Chenille Coachman

Tail: Red hackle fiber or bucktail
Rib: Fine copper wire
Body: one quarter olive chenille, one half red floss, one quarter olive chenille
Hackle: Brown saddle hackle tied folded to extent to the hook point
Wing: White calf tail


Bill, I have no idea. It is just the name of a pattern I came across while surfing the internet. I was curious as to whether it was like the royal Coachman or the original old Coachman wet fly. That description sounds similar to a Hair-Wing or Quack Royal Coachman dry fly pattern here on FAOL. Of course using a throat instead of a hackle will take away the floatation.

Hook: TMC 100, sizes 8, 10,12.
Black, Pearsall’s Gossamer Silk.
Wing: White Calf-tail, split and posted.
Tail: Coachman Brown Barbs, or Golden Pheasant Tippet (shown).
Body: Peacock Herl, with center portion using Red Pearsall’s Gossamer Silk.
Hackle: Coachman Brown, Rooster Cape.

Except Yours uses:
chenille replaces the peacock herl
copper wire rib
red hackle or bucktail instead of brown hackle or Golden pheasant tippet for tail
brown hackle throat.
Split white kip for wing or just straight downwing???


Allies Chenille Coachman

Rodgerole asked about the Allies Chenille Coachman and the recipe Celltech gave is almost verbatim what Robert H Alley published in his booklet, 40 Best Trout Flies.

Tail: Red hackle fibers or red dyed bucktail
Rib: Fine copper wire
Body: one quarter olive chenille, one half red floss, one quarter olive chenille
Hackle: Brown saddle hackle tied folded to extend to point of hook
Wing: White calftail

Alley suggests a size 10 as an exploring pattern for a small stream. One size larger with some weight at the eye of the hook works great for larger rivers.

Just in case anyone is interested.

Larry :smiley: —sagefisher—

Interestingly, the photo of the fly floating around on the web as Allies Chenille Coachman" does NOT look like the “recipe” would suggest. At least where the tail is concerned. Does that look red to you? …then there’s the matter of the ribbing, I don’t see it on this photo…nor do I see CHENILLE…only Peacock hurl… then the brown hackle collar isn’t brown hackle but rather…brown dyed mallard flank or other speckled soft hackle…so I would conclude that unless Alley tied this fly… and changed the recipe after writing the book… IT’s NOT the Allies Chenille Coachmen.

Now the challenge is…do I have the materials to throw this fly together before I run out the door this morning… BRB…maybe… :wink:

Ok, this is just my interpretation of the fly according to the recipe in Alley’s book, 40 Best Trout Flies. (with the materials I had on hand) I didn’t have red hackle or red bucktail. I did have some red goose or turkey (?) so it’s a little webby but you should get the drift and I don’t think the fish will care.

Rodger, I think this (Allies Coachman) is suppose to be a Wet Fly… at least that is how I would interpret it. The Royal Coachman was a classic wet fly. The Royal Trude was the dry. Then there was the Royal Wulff…another dry.

I bought mine USED from ABE Books on the net for 3.99 and shipping. Less than 8 bucks total. Amazon also has them in the used state. They are usually library book but very usable. I bought Jack Dennis and Friends and Lo and Behold, if it was not a signed copy for less than 10 bucks. Great deals. On either site type in fly tying and go with the flow.

Let me see if I have this straight. Replace the peacock herl with chenille,use throat instead of hackle,and white kiptail wing and a Royal Coachman becomes Allies Coachman???

I still haven’t found a picture…guess I’m gonna have to fork over some cash for a book. :mrgreen: