All American Fly Swap

the idea was mentioned in the thread (new swap ideas) so im putting togather another fly swap and ill be tying also… here are the rules: any size or style of fly hook is allowed… the flies can be trout, bass, salmon, spey or whatever ya like but has to use 3 colours which are red, white & blue in the fly somewhere… registration fer the swap ends on december 5th midnight… on the 5th when registration closes ill add a note to tell how many flies each tyer ties… the swap is open to 25 tyers… please do not signup if unless you intend to follow through… include the toetaggs and return postage as usual… flies are due january 31st 2009… flies will be sent out around the middle of february…

ivan w. crews
822 bean ave.
kilgore, texas 75662

( 1 )… + bugman joined, tying the star bangle banner nymph (glow in the dark)— (received !!!)
( 2 )… + bassman joined, tying the all american streamer— (received !!!)
( 3 )… + deserttrout joined, tying the patriotic streamer— (received !!!)
( 4 )… + Gigmaster joined, tying the Patriot Wulf— (received !!!)
( 5 )… + jdubach joined, tying the Uncle Sam Caddis— (received !!!)
( 6 )… + ridgeliner joined, tying the Patriotic Charlie— (received !!!)
( 7 )… + Eight Thumbs joined, tying the Uncle Sam’s Gurgle Pop— (received !!!)
( 8 )… + ibrb joined, tying the red, white & blue thunder— (received !!!)
( 9 )… + mnklagoon joined, tying the memorial streamer— (received !!!)
( 10 )… + wayneb joined, tying the red, white & blue wooly bugger— (received !!!)
( 11 )… + sagefisher joined, tying the Vampire fly— (received !!!)

If this one is a go, with your permission I would like to get in with what I will call an All American Streamer. Thanks John

Mine will be the Patriotic Streamer

I don’t know if what I tied is really a streamer or what but it is red, white and blue. In the mail today.


bassman & deserttrout, got ya listed…

i dont know if i could tie twenty five flies. i dont even have twenty five of the same hook.

may not be that many tyers… ya only gotta tie as many flies as we have tyers…

Can I get in with this fly? I don’t know if anyone has done this one, but I call it a Patriot Wulf.

Hook: Cabelas # 01 sz. 12-18
Thread: Black Kevlar 3/0
Wing: White Kiptail or Bucktail
Tail: White Kiptail or Bucktail
Body: Blue Metallic Floss on each end, and Red Metallic Floss in the middle.
Hackle: Brown Grizzly Hen Neck Feather

sure… got ya listed… nice fly !

I would like to join the swap. Instead of a Crazy Charlie, how about a Patriotic Charlie. Will that do?

I’m in. Not entirely sure what I’m going to tie yet, though.

sure will, any fly as long as it has all 3 colours of the U.S. flag in it

Hi Bugman,

I’d sure like to join your swap. I would like to tie My Uncle Sam’s Gurgle Pop. Thank you for hosting this swap. 8T :slight_smile:

got ya listed 8t… arta be interesting flies…

Here is a good chance for all of you tiers to get in on great swap. If you have contemplated getting into a swap here is a good one. This is an easy swap and you do have until the new year to get your flies tied up. I am sure since the Thanksgiving Holidays are now over this swap will fill up real quick. Don’t wait to long and miss your chance for this one. John

May I join with Red,White and Blue Thunder ( creek )

can i get in with a memorial streamer?

Hi Bugman;

I’m in, I’ll tie a red whit & blue wooly bugger


got ya down on the list…

I’ll tie the Uncle Sam Caddis


Count me in.

No clue as to what I will tie but I will come up with something.

Larry :smiley: —sagefisher—