The Albright is typically described in the following way: “Use to attach backing to fly line or to join sections of monofilament that vary greatly in diameter (e.g.: tying an 80-lb. shock tippet to a 15-lb. class tippet when saltwater fishing).”
It’s a quick, easy to tie knot, so I’m wondering why it can’t be used for flyline to leader connection.
I have used the Albright knot for years to attach all of my leaders, especially for salmon fishing. Never had one break yet but it is a little bulkier than nail knots or JC’s Castwell knot. I do 14 turns on my Albright knot so I don’t think it is all that easy to tie the way I learned. I just recently used the Castwell knot on my 4 weight and that is EASY to tie and very small. I need to try it on steelhead to see how it holds on larger fish. I have also used the super glue splice on my five weight for a while until the line wore out and it went through the guides great, but when I replaced the line I went back to the Albright because for whatever reason, I couldn’t expose enough of the braid to get a good hold on the super glue splice. I have also tried various versions of the nail knot but they all stripped the flyline coating eventually. I tried the Castwell knot on my intermediate clear line but I couldn’t get it to bite into the leader loop and hold because of the hard coating on the flyline.
This is my knot of choice for leader to fly line. I do use the Albright from backing to fly line, but it is too bulky for line to leader for my tastes. Maybe with an 8 wt rod, but I wouldn’t choose it for my 4 wts.
You don’t need a link to the Castwell knot. It is on here. Go to the home page. Click on Features on the left. Scroll down to and click on knots.
I use furled leaders…and the Castwell knot to attach them to fly line.
"but it is too bulky for line to leader for my tastes. Maybe with an 8 wt rod, but I wouldn’t choose it for my 4 wts. "…I agree… too bulky for me too …but wouldn’t the bulk be relatively the same no matter what weight line…each wt. line is bigger isn’t it???
Glenn, I use the knot on all line weights, from 3wt’s to 8wt’s. So far never have had one open or break. Big salmon, Jack Cravell, bonefish and very large barracuda.
It is not a beautiful knot. It will not look as streamlined as the others…like the nail not or whatever. Rather an ugly knot. But…it works, and works, and works…Once I have tied the leader to the fly line I fish and totally forget about whatever knot was used. In other words it is un-noticeable. I do not have to pay attention to it or fuss with it. It holds. And just due to the fact I do not have any trouble with it while fishing…I can forget about it…is testimony to me that it is working. No fuss no muss. And so so simple to tie. Can do it in the dark. No tool needed. Oh…you do not have to have a loop tied onto your fly line either.
But…to each his own…
Thanks JC, I will give it a try this weekend for stripers in NJ. Do you think I should melt a small ball on the end of the intermediate clear line to give it a better hold? The coating is so hard it slipped when I tried it before.
I only use it when I’m dealing with a fly line that has a crappy coating that wants to pull off with a nail knot. I prefer a needle nail knot with 40LB maxima which I blood knot new leaders on to. Smooth and simple and I don’t have to tie any nail knots on stream. I reverse blind splice loops on the back end of my fly line and my backing because it’s a smooth connection and I can change lines without tying any knots.
a albright knot is used for backing to fly line. use a nail knot for flyline to leader connection or a loop to loop. never fails me and is simple with a tool… I bought a tool that makes the nail knot so simple its takes 20 seconds! I use a blood knot tool that takes about half a minute for attaching leader materiel to tippet or for making your own leaders.
I sing the praise of the Albright Knot…I use it on ALL my leaders and have indeed used it to attach the leader to the flyline…best if using short leaders so the knot wont get stuck in the guides but even still its a small price to pay…I prefer the nail knot but wouldnt hesitate to go Albright if need be…it is the best for brutal strength IMHO…I have landed 200lb sharks on 20lb tippet with albright knots…I can tie it faster than switching leaders, takes about 12 seconds
The reason we don’t use the Albright Knot for line to leader connection is it’s bulk. While it’s a strong knot and will do the job. The first time you have to use a leader longer than your rod your going to have trouble getting that knot to pass through the tiptop. Which you have to do to land a fish. If the fish makes a last second run you stand a good chance of breaking a rod when the knot hangs on your guides.