Ah, fishing in Alaskan Sound. -- Video


http://www.break.com/index/whales_ruin_ … _trip.html

Thought I’d share.


Hilarious! Put that on the TNPTP game and see if anyone can beat it!

I was wondering in Alaska if you’re required to have Orca stamps or not…not sure of the fishing regs up there. I assume it’s also catch and release?

I can’t believe they thought their fishing trip was ruined!
Its true that when the orca or the porpoise show up your fishing is over for the day but man what an experience to get on tape. They will brag about that encounter for the rest of their lives.

Good vid drolfson

Match THAT hatch!!

I kept thinking the whole time I watched it, just let the ‘big’ one get the ‘small’ one and see fi you can land them both!

I DO wonder what the Orca regulations are. . . . . :shock:

Don :smiley:

I guess the good thing is that regardless of what rod type or line you were using, if you DID manage to land it, you’d pretty much have the WR for that class. Sure would be a hell of a price tag at the taxidermist…not to mention widening your mantle to mount it over.

Don, Wow your still kicking!!! Haven’t seen you on here for months!

Great Vid… 8)
