Adjustable Deluxe Force Fins - 2 pair

For sale: 2 - pair of adjustable deluxe Force Fins. These fins are like new and used only a couple of times.
$110.00 per pair shipped the the lower 48 states. Great for a float tube. Paypal preferred.$main-Large$

Welcome to the party Eric …you shouldn’t have anyor much problem gettin rid of em…I would like to have em but it would have to be on a trade due to funds …my boss says I make too much right now…lol.

What are you looking to trade? I have completed several transactions on FAOL but have not done any trades to date. I am looking for a 7 or 8 wt rod.

I have about 7 well takin care of FlyRods in my storage unit and i bet I gotta Rod that would be worthy for you.
Will be happy to go check tommorrow and get a list of what I have out there.
I know that you would like what I report back with if your willing to do a swap.

I had a pair…my wife’s…but she passed and I sold them. Wish I had them back. I don’t NEED them. Just wish I still had a pair for when a visitor or friend wants to go fishing.

If you make a deal with Jeffro…I would maybe like to take a stab at a trade. I know I have a nice custom made 8wt…not sure I want to lose that one. But I may have more than one…I dunno

But I do know that I have a 10’ Sage 7wt. I had been fishing with a very short light fly rod for trout. I picked up that rod and said geeeeze what a club. I think I will sell this. A fellow FAOL’er said do NOT sell that rod. That is a very powerful rod and would make a great bass rod.

I’ll leave his name out…but trust me he is THE bass man. AS well as a lot of other things. Awesome fly tyer, awesome rod builder…awesome fly fisherman…but none of these his lifetime work. He had a custom rod building business but stopped it because it was taking too much time from his real business…sculpturing glass. He wrote about 18 bass tips posts on here. I wanna go see if they still on here.

Anywhooooo…I have no bass here. Just trout. So guess it is not much use to me. I would just as soon have a pair of adjustable force fins sitting around as that rod. I reckon per his description…it would probably be good for pike, and may other big fish. Steelhead? I dunno…never seen one.

It is a long rather heavy rod in my opinion.

Just a thought.