Add to lanyard discussion, just different


Here’s another thought about lanyards … smaller, lighter, no choke features. Carabiner clips to your belt loop. Still holds everything you may need.

I Like it!!! :smiley:

might tangle up with stripped of line from the reel???

Wow! I really like the looks of that. With my declining wading abilities, I’m considering using two wading staffs just to get to where I can fish by leaning or sitting on a good rock. (I call them Sit’non Rocks) If I use one of those smaller lanyards I will still be able to use a SOSpender PFD and two staffs. May just open up some possibilities for me.
Thanks Betty,

I’m having a little trouble visualizing how handy this would be with my tools lower than my belt??? When it’s hanging on my chest I pretty much can use it all right there…even the pliers I use to disengage hooks…that is my lower most tool.

If you strip in to the left (left handed), you clip the short lanyard to the right on your jeans … reverse if you strip right handed. If it’s on your right hip, and you’re right handed, it’s right at hand level for ease of hemostat use, without bending way over. Conversely, if it’s on your left hip, and you’re left handed …well, you get the picture!
Plus, it’s not very long … maybe 3" and add a short carabiner … doesn’t take up much room for the minimalist fisher.

but if its hanging on a wader belt and your up to your wader belt in water, seems like everything getting wet???

I still like my vest. I can’t figure a way to carry my partial roll of biodegradable TP (yes we should carry this), water bottle, granola bar & PB&J sammich on a lanyard. Maybe I just need to hire a butler to go along with me if I minimize down to a lanyard. I think lanyards are a great idea for very short fishing excursions where you stay close to civilization and/or your vehicle. Can’t see using one for a 1/2 day or longer outing where you’d wander a good ways from the vehicle. Not to mention either buying duplicates of everything on the lanyard, or switching stuff back & forth. Too much work for this guy. When I go fishing I don’t want to have to go down a checklist to make sure I have everything. My vest hangs in the back of the truck and it’s all there in one place. If I sweat while wearing it, Oh Well…

Sorry if I took away anyone’s thunder. They’re cutesy but not always practical.


That’s where the “wading staff” comes in handy!
The simple lanyard works for me, maybe because I don’t wade real deep. Usually mid thigh is deep enough for me as my balance isn’t very good deeper (da*n stroke!!). I’m still not going to give up and sit at home, I’d rather keep it simple and have fun. Obviously what works well for one, isn’t going to work the same for the multitudes. I’m happy…and there’s plenty of thunder to go around.

My wading is getting worse and worse. If I’m anything more than ankle deep, it really touch and go for me. I suppose the fact that I wear trifocals doesn’t help either. I’m seriously planning on two wading staffs and just lash my rod to my vest. When I get to were I want to fish, I always jab my staff into to riverbed and wedge it into my abdomen. That way I fish with a kind of tripod affair. Two legs and a wading staff. There’s no running after big fish. If they don’t come to me, they get away.
Aside from that, I’m planning lots of boat fishing out of my 12’ jon boat. Flat bottomed boats are easier to get into on the beach. Thanks for your hint about the smaller lanyard and thanks a ton for the B-Day wishes. I kind of knew if I heard from anyone, it would be you.
Blessings on You,

You mean your “In Over Your Head?” or “ALL Wet?”

I can see it on:

  • Deeper wading
    A shoulder strap of your chest waders.
    Button hole on a shirt.
    Button hole on a chest pocket.

  • Shallow wading
    Belt loop

  • Pram/floattube
    Anywhere you can clip it!

Betty, a better mouse trap indeed! Great idea.

Nice, I like it.

I like it! No feeling of being hanged and that carabiner can clip to just about anything. Like a wader suspender. I am a minimalist and I cannot wait for the day I can kiss my vest goodbye.

While I’m not knocking anyone’s choices; I don’t know how the lanyard advocates keep from getting stuff tangled on all those dangling items. Cripes I’ve had my leader or fly line get looped around just about everything including the Hat Eyes on my cap! :shock:

I lost the vest years ago and now a chest box and a belt around my waist with some pouches suffices for me.

BTW - as far as Betty’s idea being all wet when wading deep; the majority of my stuff is at my waist too and 90% of the time it ends up out of harms way where I normally fish. When the need arises to wade deeper; I just slide the belt up higher. I’m sure a “beener” could just as easily be clipped a bit higher on something like the little rod holder tab or epaulet on a fishing shirt or something.


As far as the PB&J sammitch goes; Walmart sells a Wonder Bread sandwich holder. Attach it to one of those heavy duty net zingers and VOILA; maybe you can lose the vest provided you don’t get thirsty or nature calls.


