About Us --> Profession past present and other nosy stuff

Just thought I would throw this out here , as I have been curious:

As for me:

Age: 57

Trades:-Prime Electrical contractor maintenance & speciality

Part owner - Yosemite Conversation Camp " Happy Hearts"

Hobbies - wood work, fly fishing, casting , conversation - local stream ecology
passing it on to anybody that will listen…

Gripes: None

Homestead: Married with one boy

Hair color: Silver, was not always that way :slight_smile: lol

What about you ??

Be safe


Age 48 have been retired since age 44

Trades, CDN Soldier 24yrs,( E911 Dispatch 8yrs and EMR 8yrs, part time)
Vice-president of Project Healing Waters Canada Project Healing Waters Canada

Hobbies Fly fishing , Fly casting, Fly tying, hiking, Camping, my GSD and GR dogs…

Gripes none, minor bother - not enough fly fishing or tying

Homestead - Me and she who must be obeyed and the dogs, kids grown and gone…

Hair colour - long with a bit of gray.

AGE: 63
TRADES: Assistance Manager of a human blood plasma collection facility.
Currently a warehouseman on call.
Jack of all Trades.

HOBBIES: Fly Fishing, Fly Tying, Rod Building, Camping.

GRIPES: People who blow their nose in public during a meal.

HOMESTEAD: Married with one wife, two daughters, five grand kids, three great grand kids. All with red hair.

HAIR COLOR: Balding with some gray and mousy brown.

As for me:

Age: 60
Trades: former Golf Teaching Pro, Bowling Coach, 31 yrs. at a natural gas utility, now retired. Now, flytying instructor, Safety Patrol at a ski resort, Celebrate Recovery Leader, but very busy.
Hobbies - fly fishing, fly tying, rod building, golf, downhill skiing, road bicycling
Gripes: dangerous drivers, slow play at the golf course
Homestead: Very happily married, living in sw New York State
Hair color: Silver, was not always that way :smile: lol

How about you ??

Age: 51

Trades: Account Manager, Printing. In the past I’ve been a supervisor, insurance agent. ink technician, machine operator, sheet metal fabricator, checked cards in a bar, driver, dishwasher, campground worker, busboy.

Hobbies - fly fishing, fly tying, archery, paddling.

Gripes: More than I should. I can’t ever remember hearing my Grandfather complain about anything…not even the cancer that took him. He is my role model, however bad I am at following him.

Homestead: Happily married and proud of two grown sons.

Hair color: Mostly grey for whats left. All the brown hair is long down the drain.

Age: 64 0r 65 born Oct 46, you do the math.

Trades: US Army Paratrooper, Ranger, Drill Sergeant, retired as a 1st Sergeant in 1988. Since then…nothing.

Hobbies: Fly fishing, fly tying, demo tying at FF shows, wood working.

Gripes: None, doesn’t do any good anyway.

Homestead: Me and lovely wife Vickie (VEE), one crazy 2 1/2 year old English Springer Spaniel (Ghillie), and one 20 year old cat (Buttwipe…it’s a long story), and a grown up, married daughter (Melissa) who lives in Maine.

Hair Color: Brown and grey (VEE says about 50-50) very long, to small of back.

AGE 48

Trades parole officer, corrections officer, corrections caseworker, college security officer, HVAC air Balancer. currently unemployed

Hobbies Fixing houses, reading, fly fishing/tying

Gripes Tailgaters

Homestead Me Wife 2 daughters one son no pets at this time

Hair Brown going to grey

Age: 58, I think.

Trades: Currently systems administrator for a regional horticulture company and have been doing this type of work for about 20 years. I have been a carpenter/construction worker, commercial fisherman and jack of all trades.

Hobbies: Fly fishing, photography, grand kids.

Gripes: A few.

Homestead: Married with 3 grown kids, 2 grand kids (a good reason to have grown kids). One 190 pound Newfoundland and one 50 pound Border Collie.

Hair Color: Blonde with a touch of grey.

Age: 53

Trades: Currently a systems administrator at the Major Ivy League College. Prior to this Auto Mechanic, US Marine (Sgt. Retired, Disabled), Hardware store clerk, Security company Operations Manager, Alarm Systems installer, and general all around good guy.

Hobbies: Fly fishing, Learning to tie using Al Campbell’s lessons.

Gripes: More that you want to hear (none are worth the time to talk)

Homestead: Married with 2 grown kids and 1 dog (Mutt).

Hair Color: Brown with a whole lot of gray (you did read I have kids, right?)

Age: 59

Trades: USA Paratrooper, jailer, correctional officer and for the last 30 years computer programmer, etc.

Hobbies: fly fishing, fly tying, and Leave No Trace Master Educator. Contact me for FREE Leave No Trace training

Gripes: None, no body will listen anyway (I really need to fish a lot more)

Homestead: married to same woman for 40 years, a daughter, granddaughter, son (recent Iraq vet) and associated in-laws

Haircolor: brown but getting distinguished temples

Age: 65

Trades: Hotel Loss Prevention Consultant (safety, security and fire prevention); safety and first aid supply sales; newsletter publisher; retired weekend soldier MS Army National Guard, OH-6A crew chief; cowboy until I was 10 and we moved to town and made me leave the cows and my whip behind.

Hobbies: Fishing, especially fly fishing; fly tying; wood working;

Gripes: Born good looking instead of rich; and the usual.

Homestead: married to same woman for 44 years; know why she’s the boss; 1 cat our son ask us to keep until he found her a home back in 2000. Two children; a son working on his PhD at Miami U of Ohio and a daughter who is a financial assistant at “Paul Mitchell, The School” in Atlanta.

Haircolor: Platinum (more precious than gray) with a 6” part in the center.

Age : 55

Trades : Myrtle Point School District. In the past I worked at a wood treating plant, been a forklift operator, truck dispatcher, and even played cowhand for a bit.

Hobbies : Fishing, hunting, spending time at property my brothers and I own in the eastern part of the state.

Gripes : None that matter

Homestead : Just me and my dog Tank.

Hair color : Brown and gray. Heavy on the gray side these days.

Age: 21 (big time lie)

Trades:- Can do it all!
Hobbies - Be all Do all
Gripes:Nosy questions like this thread
Homestead: cant say and be politically correct (short busers)
Hair color: flesh

Age: 30

Profession: MT Cattleman by birth, but now own a Professional Wildland Firefighting Company (Federal Qualed FF, EMT and IC)

Gripes: Winter & Ice

Homefront: Married to the Boss, 1 Lab Hunting Partner, 4 farm cats & 1 wives cat

Enjoy: Hunting, Fly Fishing, Tying, Fighting Fire, spending time with friends & family

Hair: Brown few flecks of gray, Crew Cut Tight

Hey DUB,

I think I have one of you living at my house… lol


Age: 59
Trades: University social science researcher and program evaluator. Mental health counselor
Hobbies Fly fishing
Gripes: People who gripe!
Homestead: Married 29 years today
Hair color: I’m with DUB, flesh.

Well, Happy Anniversary Jeff. You and Marjie are a pair to draw to. Tell her happy anniversary for me.

Age: 42
Trades: Operations Manager for a contract packaging company
Hobbies: Currently building my first fly rod, fly tying, fishing, camping
Gripes: Do you really want me to list my gripes?
Homestead: Married my college sweetheart almost 19 years ago currently living in Newnan, GA but may be moving back to the Land of Lincoln. We have a 5 year old son, Bobby, who keeps us on our toes and a cat and a dog.
Hair color: Well, if you count the little that is actually on my head, salt and pepper

Age : 59
Trades: Retired forestry Tech (30 yrs+), Soldier,and a random pile of bad jobs in my youth.
Hobbies: Flyfishing, Flytying, Fishing, Camping, Gardening…most anything outdoors.
Gripes: A few
Homestead : My wife, Margaret, Shi Tzu, Teddy, and me. 4 grown kids, 6 grand kids
Hair colour : Blond

Age: just shy of 61
Married: Jean(sewdrapes) for 37 years(this June)
Kids: Us 1, (Me 2 more from former marriage) Grandkids run from Senior at WMU to Toddler(last count 12…I think)
Job: Truckdriver Local…former Cop, Custom Darkroom Manager, Set-Up Man,…Kept going back to Trucking, couldn’t stand being cooped up inside all the day.
Veteran U.S. Army 7th S.F. Group SSgt. 68-71
Hobbies: Flytying, Fly Fishing,Photography
Gripes: I wont get started on that
Hair: Silver