Abel Reel Spare Spool Question

Just wandered through the local Sportsman’s Warehouse and stumbled into a spool in the bargain bin that has me totally confused. The box is marked “BG SPOOL.5 01005S”

Handwritten in labeled spaces it says the model is “PT5”.

The Abel site is an abomination if you just want to look for information and look at a reel design.

It is clearly a well-made Large arbor spool in sort of gun-metal gray. All holes on the faces are round and there is just a single row on each flange. The ditch is flat-bottomed and ported with slots running parallel with the shaft. It is a BIG spool.

Any idea where a guy could find a picture of said spool to ensure the identity is correct?

After my little adventure in frustration looking through the Abel site I think I will be more interested in selling/trading the spool than looking for a reel… which was the initial plan.

I could post pictures if someone thinks they could ID it…

Art -

Not really sure about this - but it’s the least I can do for someone who takes pics of brown bears from 15 YARDS, and tells us how bears scoop fish out of streams and make a nasty mush of it and it gets under your skin and can be fatal - GEEEEESSSH.

The first numbers and letters “BG SPOOL.5 01005S” strike me as the serial numbers on a Big Game ( BG ) spool. The PT.5 is a model of a BG ( Big Game ) reel.

The thing about Abel is their interchangabelity thing. The spool, if I am interpretting Abel’s website correctly, goes EITHER with their Big Game reel model PT.5 or can be used with their Super series reel Super 2, which is interchangeable with the BG PT.5 spool.

When you go back to their website, go to the Super series first and look at the Super 2 and look in the far right column to find the PT.5.

Then go to the Big Game series and look at the line for the PT.5 and then to the far right column to find the Super 2.

Bottom line - I think - is that you want either a Big Game reel model PT.5 or a Super series reel model Super 2.


Appreciate that… But the spool is huge! It is significantly larger than the .5… Outside width of the spool is about 1.375" and the diameter is about 4.125" on the inner and smaller face. I am thinking it is more like a super 15.

Art -

Taking another look at the Abel website and considering the dimensions you described, it probably is a BG 5 spool, which takes line wts 13 and 14, to be interchangeable with a Super 13 or 14, which are both interchangeable with a BG 5 and with each other. The given dimensions for all three of those reels seem to be right on with the spool you have ??


The numbers just do not come out right… :frowning:

The major diameter is about 4.45", or about right for a Super 12 (3 varieties) and the width matches the 12W at 1.375"… But the hub is quite a bit larger than the W at about 2.25"+.

Guessing I need to see if a local shop has a reel it will fit…

For the money there was no leaving it there, anyway. :wink:

Why not call Abel Monday? Ask for Jeff Patterson. He is head sales guys and a great guy to deal with. He should be able (no pun intended) to give you a quick answer.

Believe I can do that, thanks!