AARRGGHH, grounded by an infirmity again! I'm stuck...

…in this darned house with a staph infection AND allergic contact dermatitis (doctor speak for we don’t know what it is but think it is poison ivy/oak/sumac or a reaction to nickle metal)!

Well the staph infection is momentarily being held in check but this dag gum rash is driving me up the walls! I think I got into the poison oak while deer hunting during this warm weather or I picked up something exotic brought back in a shipping container from overseas. I betting on poison oak/sumac and so is the doc. I was waking near the stuff while hunting. Probably got it on my hands and then I untucked my shirt because it was so stinking warm. Get that oil on hot, sweaty skin and look out. Fortunately I did not have to answer a nature call. :shock:

We spent about 4-5 hours in the hospital emergency room yesterday because my doc called off sick but she was afraid I might have cellulitis, which there is still a possibilty of but my white cell count was normal. This thing goes from just under my sternum to my belt line and from flank to flank. I other words my entire middle abdomin. Thank goodness it didn’t go below my waist line. WHEW! The dang stuff was weeping so bad that my bandages were stuck to my raw skin like glue. When the docs at the e.r. saw the rash they all backup up about five feet and all said “EEEUUUWWW”! Then one of them had to go and aske the obvious question “Does it itch or hurt?”! DUH!

So now I am stuck here bathing in Calamine Lotion, taking Benedril, steroids and antibiotics. I am doped up, tired, sore, itchy, b@*%^$ and look like “A pink nightmare”. Sorry about the rant but it did make me feel a little better. If any of you have any ideas on something other than Calamine Lotion that I can do for this rash I would greatly appreciate any suggestions. My drugs are starting to kick so I have to go lay down for a while. The staff at Holy Spirit Hospital in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania were very, very good to me. Mybe now I can sleep.

Sorry I missed your call. If you want you can call me later tonight or I can get in touch with you Wednesday.

Gas a match and an Ice Pick:)
no wait that is for the other thing that makes one itch
sorry that is all I got

Hope you feel better real soon…

WOW Eric

What did you do to Mom Nature, for her to get that much revenge on you…

Man just go to your happy place, which I hope is a Fly fishing place…

Sorry about your predicament, hope it all clears up soon…


try and oatmeal bath it works for chicken poc etc. you can get the mix at your local stores. that is what the doctors recomended for my sons itching

My grandmother got in a batch of poison ivy and really was messed up. The doc told her to soak in the bathtub with oatmeal - I’m sure you can ‘google’ a recipe. It worked.

This is a product that could help you: http://www.walgreens.com/store/product.jsp?CATID=100325&navAction=jump&navCount=0&nug=VPD&skuid=sku353120&id=prod353119
You can also find the recipe online, for making your own Oatmeal bath.
I hope you feel better soon!

Eric, this may be not the “actual cause”, but at the end of your message YOU DID mention something about “Talking to Mike”!? Which I’m guessing, is aka; “Vise Thief”, “Ohiotuber” and/or “Fanny Fudge”?
If so, don’t despair my friend. I’ve often had odd rashes, ticks and twitches to the eyes, even stuttering, after a phone conversation with the above mentioned person.
I’m really sorry that you’re so uncomfortable, (seriously).
As to “cures”, I’d go with the Oatmeal Bath idea. It’s an old recipe for hives and rashes and as stated by others; “It does work”!

When us kids would get something like you have, our mother would say “Offer it up for the poor souls in purgatory.

Of course, that’s probably not the answer you’re looking for right now.

Gas, match and an ice pick? That sure takes me back to my days overseas. LMAO

While it isn’t Poison Oak; I am the poster child for Poison Ivy. I get it all the time!

One of the times I had to go to the ER with a bad case, the doc had me soaking my soakable parts in a solution of Boric Acid which is available at the drugstore. The idea was to accelerate the drying of the blisters. I did it twice a day and it did help. Possibly a towel soaked in the stuff applied to your torso would help you too?

The other thing I was given was Benadryl.

Hydrocortisone creams help with the itching and some non-pink alternatives are out there that help with the drying…

…unless of course you look “pretty in pink”.


Try the oatmeal bath mentioned above. It’s worked wonders for our oldest son who gets the same thing every year. If he even see’s poison oak or sumac he’s got a major case of it.

Hey Pinky,
I guess I’m lucky…I do not get poison ivy, etc. I was always the kid who got to dig through the stuff finding baseballs.
I’ll eat a bowl of oatmeal this morning while you’re bathing in the stuff. I really like the “cinnamon spice” flavor. :stuck_out_tongue:
Seriously Eric, I hope you’re feeling better soon.


This is probably too late for your predicament, BUT in the future, when you first notice an outbreak, smear the inside portion of banana peeling all over the infected area.
STOPS the itching, and dries it up in a couple of days. Remember " Heloise"?? I do it all the time while golfing ( I’m not always in the fairway lol lol )
Wish I knew something that could help you now.
Heck of a way to start the new year !! I suppose you could ask for double dose of meds and sleep through this ordeal.
Not real sure if Mikey is the cause, but I’d be very very cautious !!!

I wish I could do something for you. Did you think of going to a dermatologist? I’m sure your doctors know what’s up, but sometimes a specialist has more expertise and information on the latest medicines. I have skin sensitive to many things and have a moderate case of psoriasis. My dermatologist recently identified an outbreak of dermatitis, which was not diagnosed correctly by a GP. Some topical solutions cleared it up in a matter of days (of course psoriasis and dermatitis is always in your system). Anything is worth a shot when you’re itching. Good luck and I hope the itch disappears quickly and you’re back out on the stream.

Don’t mess around get some zanfel it comes in a tube and you use it in the shower. .It takes the oil off your skin.

Poison ivy -poison oak oil is one thing I am hyper -sensitive to. I can catch it through the air. As a kid i use to get shots to prevent my reaction, but I still caught it. I have tried every remedy against my outdoor nemesis, but the only thing that works is zanfel
The oil bonds to your skin and remains viable for years on your cloths.

So my advice is to wash your hunting clothes and get some zanfel for your skin.
After you have broke out with rash, a very hot shower will give you a couple hours of relief.

Good luck and get well


Wife’s dad used an old timey cure when she and her brothers got poison ivy. He took them to the creek bank and picked some “Deadly Nightshade/Belladonna” , broke the stems and rubbed the juice all over the area of the rash. It cured it in about three days. Pretty much dried it up. Tried it on our son when he was about 12 and it worked like a charm. Have no idea why. Maybe an old medicine man cure. Are you familar with the plants. They grow near a moist area (creek bank, etc.), the stems are hollow, plant is usually a mint green with yellow flowers in the fall. They sometimes call it “Touch Me Not” because when you touch the flower it pops open. My son had poison ivy on his arm so bad that when he took a towel off it would literally drip like a faucet. Never saw a case that bad before. Good luck.

Just where else did you go whilst “Hunting”?? hummm. The Doctors realy don’t have a cure for “Prostatis Callgrlits” Your symtoms sound like what was going around in Nam. You know after R&R. But how you cought it in the place you have it ummm, sounds a little “KINKY” Oh well to each their own. Get better my friend! I still want to meet you at the PA- Fish’n. Oh looks like the Doctor and his Nurse are here to see you.

Hi everyone,
Well between the oat meal baths, steroids, benadryl, Calamine Lotion and “open air” drying we have managed to arrest the spread of the rash. I forgot to make a brew of jewelweed, sometimes called touch-me-not or snap dragon, vegetable oil and honey for keeping in the frig this winter. I got a book form “Wild Man” Steve Brill on foraging for North American Plants as food and for cures. You all might be interested in the book as it is well worth the money:


Very handy book for us outdoors types. I have no affiliation with Steve but look at the excerpt for jewelweed from his book. Good advice there.

I am still pretty dopey from the benadryl so if this seems a little out of touch please forgive me. I appreciate the responses, PM’s, emails and phone calls. I will try to respond when I am able to stay awake long enough to do so. I can only go for short periods of time right now.

flybinder reminded me that the only other time I got a rash like this is when the two of us got into a discussion about 'Tuber going fly fishing in nothing but a pair of waders! St. Paul, this must be Mikey’s revenge, like revenge of the nerds, therefore I have resolved to ship him my used oatmeal, freshly strained and vacuum sealed for preservation.

In case you forgot to go to your medic “doc” prior to going into the Ville for R&R the nurse is holding the cure. The Old “Silver Bullet”! Doc was always willing to hand out his “No Sweat Pills” a.k.a. tetracycline and other preventatives. Didn’t hurt to bring him some of his favorite distilled drink, Johnny Walker Black Label blended scotch whiskey. We used to get it cheap at the PX Packing Store.:smiley:

Pinky…YOU said it…I didn’t!!! :stuck_out_tongue: :twisted: