Aaaaah! Spring!

Once again the Ladyfisher has written a thought provoking article, that begs reply. The question? What can we do to get through this winter relatively unscathed? Here’s an idea that jumped into my mind as I read her article. Throughout my life, I’ve been advised that whenever I feel down or blue, then it’s time to get busy and do some service for someone else, and forget about your own feelings. Some things we could do would be to: search out someone who may be struggling with physical difficulties and see what you can do about lightening their burden. (Shovel snow, repair shingles, just visit, or read to someone who can’t.) Or, if you want to keep it related to flyfishing, why not grab a promising youngster (or oldster) and offer to teach them to tie flies, or cast a rod. There are many other things we can do for others, that would be therapeutic to our own need. Can you name a few?


That is a very good thought, one I will consider when I return from the Tennessee Fish In but right now that’s all I can think of.

I hope all you guys get fish slime all over you. We want pictures.:stuck_out_tongue: