This is the weekend we change out clocks! “Spring ahead” one hour at 2:00AM Sunday. While you’re at it … change the batteries in your smoke alarms, too!
Why? Here in Arizona I’ve never changed mine.
Well … what can I say about you Arizonians!!! :rolleyes: At least please change the batteries in your smoke alarms!!
Betty, he was just airing out his dry sense of humor <pun alert> (since of humor?).
Just charge right in and spark him to make the necessary changes.
I,too wish the rest of us never changed time either. What a waste of…time…Ewwwwwww.
Can you believe we are almost half way through March already?
Oh and probably the reason that SOME states do not use daylight savings time is that first you have to decide what time zone your state is in.;)
I’m really doing pretty good on going to bed an hour earlier, but the gettin’ up pssshhhhttttttt! Still stuck on the old time! Good thing I don’t do anything that matters … I’d be late!!