A thought, just a thought

Good morning,
(Trust this thread is ok ?)

A thought which may help someone think a bit deeper for a moment and in turn, make someone else’s day better or easier.

“An ability to listen is an ability to learn”

The above was used, said or written by who, I do not know.
Kindest regards,

ps, PLEASE have a Safe and Wonderful Christmas, no matter where you are.

Very well stated. I wish my boss would learn to listen. He thinks that conversation means talking too someone. He’s forgotten about the listening part. Whenever someone is looking for my boss, the usual answer is;
He’s somewhere,
Telling someone,
How to do something.

Uncle Barry, you’ve hit a chord with me. To interrupt someone in mid sentence, tells them that you think they have nothing to say that’s worth listening to. That’s rude and insulting to everyone I know.

i.e. If you want to catch a 36" Steelhead, you need to fish with a purple leech bouncing it off the rocks on the bottom…No, No, No, I’m only a dry fly fisherman. That’s how you need to fish for the BIG ONES.

Mr. No, No, No, just lost the opportunity of a life time to catch a BIG ONE. Plus he just alienated a possible good fishing buddy.

Rant Over,
Thanks for letting me vent.

Good morning Joe,
A thought was that,
something to make people think and look around them, then in turn maybe improve how we conduct our lifes.
(It does for me)

In your case, I bet, you would never conduct your life by the example dispayed by your boss therefore Mr Boss does not know it, but he is educating those around him on how not to treat other people and in the end he is the loser.

Kindest regards,

Uncle Barry,

Your thought sort of reminds me of Grampa Noah’s favorite. “We have two ears and one mouth so we should listen twice as much as we talk.” Who knows, someone may have a fresh new idea that works better than “the way we’ve always done it”.

Hi UB,

Reminds me of Proverbs, ie: “The fool has no delight in understanding, only in expressing his own opinion.”



WOW Gandolf, have you met my boss? :smiley:

I think I would have liked Grandpa Noah.

“Better to be thought of as a fool than to open one’s mouth and prove it”
Author unknown

I don’t know who said it, but it goes like this. “One never learns anything while talking”.

“Better to be thought of as a fool than to open one’s mouth and prove it”
Author unknown

I’ve found that no matter how much I think I know, there’s always somebody who knows it better.