It was a Gorgeous, few hours in the morning with my brother, we went out Holo- Holo ( playing around) fishing.
I was stalking a couple of very nice Tailing bonefish, that were feeding 40 yards away, coming at me at 30degrees.
When all of a sudden, it appeared… it was a nice Tako (octopus), it was spread out, soaking up the morning sun, it flashed a bright gray/white color, as if to say, Stay Away, I’m the King of this Reef!
I had only a few seconds to make a decision…by pass those weary and skiddish bones or go after the " Guarantee "
Guess I’m not much of a gambler…After I reached down and grabbed his large spongee head, I was thinking that if I could do this quickly enough, I may still have a chance at those bones! But guess what, I could have sworn I heard him say: “I AM WILLIAM WALLACE”! And he fought me with Great Abandon! His tentacles reached up and wrapped around my arm, I had to tuck my rod under my arm to grab it with my other hand! Finally I was able to, as we Hawaiians do it…I bit it between it’s eyes like a Savage Native! Quickly dispatching it!
This octopus made for a wonderful, smoked tako at a barbecue, enjoyed by a few friends and some nice cold ones!
Oh and the Bones, they’re still out there…
A Hui Hou,
Capt.Mahalo Bob