A Sucker's Tale


It was a Gorgeous, few hours in the morning with my brother, we went out Holo- Holo ( playing around) fishing.
I was stalking a couple of very nice Tailing bonefish, that were feeding 40 yards away, coming at me at 30degrees.
When all of a sudden, it appeared… it was a nice Tako (octopus), it was spread out, soaking up the morning sun, it flashed a bright gray/white color, as if to say, Stay Away, I’m the King of this Reef!
I had only a few seconds to make a decision…by pass those weary and skiddish bones or go after the " Guarantee "
Guess I’m not much of a gambler…After I reached down and grabbed his large spongee head, I was thinking that if I could do this quickly enough, I may still have a chance at those bones! But guess what, I could have sworn I heard him say: “I AM WILLIAM WALLACE”! And he fought me with Great Abandon! His tentacles reached up and wrapped around my arm, I had to tuck my rod under my arm to grab it with my other hand! Finally I was able to, as we Hawaiians do it…I bit it between it’s eyes like a Savage Native! Quickly dispatching it!
This octopus made for a wonderful, smoked tako at a barbecue, enjoyed by a few friends and some nice cold ones!
Oh and the Bones, they’re still out there…

A Hui Hou,
Capt.Mahalo Bob

I really dig your reports Capt’ Bob! Keep em coming.

As do I; keep 'em coming please… :slight_smile:
(pretty big octopus) yum

[i][b]Captain, I was right there with you!



Ha ha ha, that **** is funny i could picture it now! I myself could say i never have caught an octopus! I bet that was a rush, i would be a little scared! I love crazy stories like that, you got to love life, pce!:mrgreen:

:cool: Cool post Captain!

(Now, if’n that’d been me biting that thing, that ol’ “oktapuss” (yup!) would’a whipped right around with them there tantacles around MY face and I’d’a been feeling like the victim in one of them ol’ Alien movies…uh huh!)

Glad you enjoyed it cooked up!
