A Saddle Butt Thank you

:DI just want to post a BIG THANK YOU to all that replied with the great advice. I have made your advice and helpful hints mandatory reading to our group and am sure its going to make a lot of difference on how well we enjoy our trip.
Thank You All
Bill olllllllo it’s a Jeep Thing
ps Pictures when we get back will be posted as Saddle Butt #2, and no Betty I will not be seen in panty hose.:lol: But if I see anyone in camp with some on you bet I 'll do my best to get you a shot.:eek:
pss Did anyone notice how many views Saddle Butt post got?
Was it the word Saddle or Butt that caught you?:lol:

I thought that it was going to be about saddle hackles, at first…


At first, the title scared me to death! Almost, didn’t eve open the thread. I thought an ex-wife had joined FAOL, for some reason…