A Return

Hello everybody.

It’s been a while, long enough that I don’t remember what my nick was then. My Comp died, and after rebuilding everything, I simply forgot about this forum. Shame on me, I know, but life has it’s ups and downs. I’m still doing what I can to learn flyfishing, and having some success with getting an occasional panfish to actually decide it wants what i offered. :wink:

While there is a grand river with the right combo of current, temprature, etc., named the Guadelupe here in Texas, it is a bit too far for me to travel for a days fishing for Trout.

So I make do with what I can get to. Bluegills are the best fish I’ve tangled with, using a Fly Rod. The occasional Bass definately create a “rush” when they grab ahold of whatever I offered.

I hope all of ya catch the fish ya dream of. I catch all different kinds, and still dream of what might be someday. :slight_smile:

Welcom back; CenTexAngler :smiley:

And may I echo Rons81 ?. Texas…is that anywhere near Fort Leonard Wood where I learnt the meaning of an order by a superior single striper? when I was merely a “slick sleeve”?


CenTexAngler -

Greetings and welcome from SE Idaho.

Hope your computer doesn’t die again, and that you stick around and join in.


Hey, sorry your comp blew up. Occupational hazard, :). Glad you followed the bread crumbs back here.