A real trout fisherman


Wow! Pretty awesome Tim! Especially the doubleheader! Saw a legband in the one photo. Do you know what that bird is specifically, I know it’s not a Baldie.

Nice doubles he got there. Never seen anything like it. Where can a guy get a cheap set of those talons?

Wow, nice action shots of Ospry fishing.

One of those boys grabbed a trout about 15 feet in front of me on Greebe lake in Yellowstone this summer. My son and I were fishing an Ospry swooped down from behind me and splashed about 15-20 feet out in front of me and flew away with about an 8" trout in it’s talons.

Incredible birds.

Thanks for sharing.



That is some of the best wild life photography I’ve ever seen.

Thanks for posting the link, Tim.

No telling how many times I’ll be coming back to this thread for another look.


Thanks for the great photos! Ospreys are the best fishing birds. Here are some Images: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/89/238034491_ae5e187d84.jpg




Hello Wizard (Dave). As you can see from the other guys response the bird is an osprey. They are quite common in my neck of the woods. Most every lake has one or two nests of them. It is a joy just to sit back and watch them work.

About 15 years ago I was on a lake & an osprey got a trout and started flying in circles to gain altitude to reach its nest. A bald eagle took after the osprey and harassed it until the osprey dropped the trout which the eagle caught in mid-air and flew away. The older I get the more time I find myself spending just looking at nature rather than flipping the fly.


I was at a lake near Mount Hood watching an osprey fishing for quite a long time. Eventually it came up with a fish. As soon as it was on the wing again a bald eagle called as it left the tree it was perched in and chased the little guy off into unseen places. Lots of hard work to feed a bully.

Now that’s fly fishing! :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice slide show Panman.

Those are nice wildlife shots. While at Craig MT last July we spotted a nest on top of an abandoned utility pole south of town. My wife and I stayed there about an hour photographing the happy couple as they came and went. Then we drove to the other side of the freeway and walked up on a knoll and got a glimpse of the young one in the nest. Cameras were not great but the binoculars let us in on the family life of these beautiful birds. Thanks for the slideshow. Jim

Image: http://www.funny-potato.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/nice-catch.jpg


Thank you so much.

Not a lot of catch and release going on in those photo. I’m guess that is one incident where the hatch is hazardous to your health, if you are a trout.

Great Pics!

I was fishing the Gunpowder in MD a 1/4 mile below the dam last fall when i heard a big splash and turned around to see an osprey lift off with a 20’'+ brown! Oh and this was the same brown that ignored my flies for 15 mins while he sat in a shallow, slow run. Nature is always number one. That made my day, i have a few pics but they arent nearly as good.


And the bird say’s

Fly rod? I don’t need no stinking fly rod…

I didn’t know they liked kitty’s.

A few years ago my nephew and I were float tube fly fishing at Rock Creek Res. We were about 50 ft. apart when out of nowhere, a Bald Eagle swooped down to the water, between us, and grabbed a trout. I did not get a photo, but I found an Image that looks exactly right: http://www.hickerphoto.com/data/media/161/birds-of-prey_T5808.jpg

Well, if you drive 191 North of Rock Springs to Pinedale, you will see several osprey nests right along the highway! Seedskadee bird refuge has several Bald Eagles that nest there, also some near Pinedale. Have some pics of osprey and eagles in nests, on poles, etc., but none catching fish.

EXCEPT for a video from Alaska in 05 on a Glacier cruise, I managed to catch in video a Bald Eagle catch a fish and then release it because it was bigger that the eagle was! It was not planned, just happened, dead center, in the small falls and lower pool that I was filming at the time.

The great blue heron are also around here. The Duck I statred to question, BUT have seen them chasing minnows before, why not small truot.

Thanks for the fabulous pictures!!!