I just possibly registered for the monthly drawing???..Not sure of it though…I did both survey’s and sent in completed tickets???..Is or was there any sort of indicator that I was entered, That I may have missed??..
Also on the opening page for the drawing there was the kewlest navigation bar/links that I think would be much better served if it were on the front home page of the site…as I for one, Only enter the drawing page once a month…I have the home paged book marked…
Well I do now again…One of the BB regulars had given me the idea to change my book marked page to the BB Home…But upon entering the site this morning and seeing this topic of JC’s Voice…and thinking???..what did I miss…and where can I find it…Thanks to JC, Coming in and “Telling” at least me!..
That it was a new feature on the main page…I did finally find and listen to the soothing message given by JC…Thanks, But I’ll be keeping my book mark as the main page forever more!!! As I prefer not missing anything.
Howdy folks — I had the fortunate, glamorous position 2 weeks ago of helping FAOL programming guru Ron get the bugs shaked out of the drawing entry page, via the chat room. We saw both Tricos and Callibaetis fall out of the servers when he picked them up and shook them.
All you have to do now to see if you entered for the month is log in on the discussion board. Then click on the front page link to register for the drawing. If you are registered for the month, you’ll see your ‘tickets’ on the right hand side under ‘completed tickets’. The ones on the left hand side are a list of all the tickets you could submit for that month.
I like the fact that my “CRS Disease” problems are solved – I dont have to try and remember if I already registered for the month or not!
Note also that your computer will keep you logged in, in the most friendly of manners. After doing it the first time and telling the computer to remember the login, I have not had to log in since. DAN