A Personal Note

Thank you JC & LF for this site. It has been an integral part of my life for the past few years. A note to thank my friends at FAOL for help you have given me over the past few years, the knowledge that you have shared and the smiles that your exchangesof wit have put on my face. I have missed my daily visits to FAOL for over a month now because I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a month ago and spent the past month in the hospital. I will be starting chemo in the next week or so but chemo has little effect on pancreatic cancer. What does work is prayer so if any of my FAOL friends have a spot on their prayer list I would appreciate your prayers. Again, thank you for being such a great group and I assure you that I will continue to be a part of FAOL until my Lord decides otherwise.

You are on my list Larry.
May the Good Lord touch you with His healing hand and give you peace in your heart and contentment in your soul.

You are most certainly on my list down under, Wishing you all the very best.

My brother it is done. I put in a personal request on your behalf with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

God Bless,

Larry you have been put on my list.
