A newbie's 2nd season

Last year I wrote some short stories describing my progress as a newbie fly fisherman. This year has been a strange and bizarre trip and as I look back on it I remember the highlights, such as they are, while I?m trying to forget the lows.

I remember how last year I went out a dozen times or more before I caught my first fish. Little did I know that I would now consider that a good year. My fishing trips this year remind me of that old description of the game of golf : ?A good walk ruined?. Ok, ?ruined? is a harsh word. But I?ve been skunked more times than I?d like.

The weather in the foothills of the Sierras was really strange this year. The Bear river was warm and green and full of algae because of the heat wave. I went out one day to see the biggest mayfly hatch I?ve ever seen. As I waded out there were probably a dozen or more nymphs in every square yard of surface. The swallows, and later the bats, were diving and swooping to get their share of the feast but not a single trout was rising. Dries, nymphs, buggers, wet flies, nothing worked.

And yet, even with the warm weather we had a late snow pack. My wife and I went camping in July and had to shovel out a 40 foot stretch of road that was 3 feet deep in snow. But it was worth it because Milk lake (just a mile from our camp site) was recently stocked with trout. I hiked down to the lake, donned my waders and went in. I got a dozen good solid strikes but couldn?t land any of them. I have a black beetle fly that?s torn up with bite marks but they fish couldn?t seem to get it in their mouths. After trying several other flies I went back empty handed.

That night we watched a thunderstorm come through just after dinner. We didn?t think much about it until the next day when I was back down at the lake. I looked over my shoulder and a huge cloud of brown smoke was coming up the valley. I didn?t even change out of my waders, I just hiked out as fast as I could. We broke camp faster than we?ve ever done before. As we drove out the highway patrol was already closing down the roads to traffic. That was the weekend that the big firestorm started. We had over 1700 fires in Northern California all at once this summer. We were living in the smoke for over a month.

The next month we went back to the same spot and the trout were feasting on little blue damsel flies. I had 3 flies that matched that pattern and they were all slightly too big. The fish would hit them but the flies were too big to get in their mouths. I ended up cutting one down with my tippet snipper and finally caught my first trout of the season. He had swallowed the fly and I didn?t think he?d survive so I kept him for dinner. I thought that as long as I had one trout, I should catch another one so we could both eat. What a tremendous ego I must have had. Here I was half way through the year having only caught my first trout of the season and I?m thinking ?well, I?ll just catch one more for dinner?.

I did end up catching one more on a deer hair caddis. But not before getting caught in a swarm of vicious mosquitoes. I ended up hiking back (once again still in my waders) while slapping my arms, neck and face to get rid of all the damn mosquitoes. The next day we counted 27 bites on one arm alone and 48 bites total.

Then came the Yuba River trip. The local fly fishing club has monthly fishouts and I decided to go on one of them up to the North Yuba outside of Downieville. Long story short, wee all got skunked except for the one spin fisherman. (We call them ?dark siders?). I couldn?t get my truck back up the steep dirt road so I had to back down the hill and get a running start on it. The bashing and banging that my truck took getting up that hill resulted in a flat tire 20 miles later and a broken air conditioner clutch that literally snapped off during one of the heavy bounces.

$900 later I had a new air conditioner in the truck but no trout.

As the season was nearing a close a friend of mine?s son was having a birthday. His son wanted a fly rod so we found him an inexpensive rod and reel set at Cabelas. Several of us spent the weekend camping at the Bear river and Mike, the birthday boy, and I went down to the river to fish with a very experience fly fishing buddy of mine, Danny.

Those guys were fish vacuum cleaners. I couldn?t believe how they were pulling fish out of that river. I learned a lot that day about where fish hold up in the river. I still didn?t catch any fish that day but I did start to change where I placed my fly in the water.

For the next 4 weeks I went back to the Bear every weekend. And each time I?d hook 2 or 3 trout and land at least one. My luck was starting to turn around. I’m learning. It may be slow, but I’m learning.

So after a couple dozen trips to the river my fish count didn?t make it to double digits this year. Now the season is closed and only certain rivers and lakes are open on ?winter rules? (Catch and release only, no bait, barbless hooks). I fished the North Fork of the American River this weekend only to get skunked again. But I hear there are smallmouth bass in the deep holes upstream from where I stopped fishing. I?m going back next weekend to check that out.

It?s been a weird year for sure. But I?m still getting out there. I?ve fished the Bear river, the Yuba river, the American river and several high Sierra lakes. I bought a new fly rod and reel (which I absolutely love using). I lived through a layoff and job change, my step daughter and her lazy boyfriend moving in with us (and eventually moving out), a backpacking accident that resulted in a cracked rib, broken trucks, flat tires, forest fires, hornet stings and swarms of mosquitoes.

Sometimes I think the fishing trips are the only thing keeping me sane. Even when I?m not catching fish I?m still enjoying being outside and on the water. And that?s the real gift that fly fishing gives to me.

Of course, it would be nice to actually catch something now and then.

Nice story. Don’t worry Pal, we all have our trials and skeeter bites. It helps make us better at what we do. If we learn from our mistakes and don’t give up it just gets gooder and gooder. Come over to the eastern side of the Sierras next year and try it out. Jimsnarocks

Great story…too bad about the a/c. Your story is a prime example of why they call this affliction we have “fishing” and not “catching”. For what it’s worth, it took me almost 2 yrs before I found a rainbow that must have had suicidal tendencies…all 10" of him. Just keep trying and try to learn from those around you. This place is also a fountain of information. I can’t begin totell you how much I’ve learned just by asking questions, searching the archives and reading the articles here.


By the way, sorry about the formatting problems. I wrote the story in MS Word and when I copied and pasted it replaced all the quotes and asterisks with question marks.

Ken: When you mentioned the 10" trout I’m reminded of how much I’d like to catch a fish that when I pick it up it hangs out of both sides of my hand. :wink:

Thanks for the report. I have enjoyed learning to fish (all over again) with you these last couple of years. Through your exploits I have been reminded of some of the great lessons that fly-fishing has taught me but are too easily forgotten. It’s about the journey, not a destination. You go to catch fish, but just going and just fishing is enough to make it worth while. And of course, never take a truck that you can’t afford to bounce off a few rocks!

Thanks again Greg,


Greg -

Very much enjoyed your account of your fishing year. As long as you enjoy being outdoors, and maintain the attitude you’ve shown so far, it won’t be long before it all comes together.

One suggestion, if you don’t mind. If you haven’t read “Reading the Water” by Dave Hughes, it would be a good investment of your time. In fact, if you will send me ( PM ) your address again, I’ll send you my copy.


Hang in there. It does get better. Even when you’re having a terrible trip you’re still learning so just keep on getting out there until your fishing karma begins to change and the fish seem to begin to beg to be caught.

You know how many times I’ve heard people say “you never stop learning” in regards to fly fishing? And yet, it’s so true.

Even though it was a tough year in many ways, The joy I got from just going out and being in beautiful places was worth it. As I read my own story I can see how it can be understood as “Boy, what a lousy year”. But honestly, the fly fishing days were some of the best part of my year.

I’ll have to write about the day I drove over Donner pass to the Cabelas in Boomtown to buy my new rod and reel combo. I was so jazzed to use it that I drove back instead of just hanging around to enjoy the store just so I could fish it (Somehow stupidly ignoring the fact that was driving right next to the Truckee river the whole time)

John, I found some squirrel fur and tied a half dozen of those flies you sent. I’ll let you know how they do with the smallmouth bass on the American this weekend.

Time on the water = fish

Just remember that. Keep practicin’ and you’ll catch more fish. Also, it’s not always about catchin fish either, is it?

I fished the Truckee and Little Truckee this past summer, and will say that fly fishing in that area was tough for sure. Course I’m used to fishing here in Colorado too…

The old addage, “live & learn”, when it comes to fly fishing may seem harsh but true. You will learn reading the water, presentation, hatches, & just maybe how to create your own secret weapons at the fly vise. I look back at some crazy times in my younger years, that even now bring a smile to this old face !!! The streams & lakes still have plenty to teach me, and I still find new discoveries at the vise. That is what fly fishing is about; an adventure that becomes a way of life , and a way of seeing the beauty in an unstressed way. The rich yuppees that saw “A River Runs Through It” and all of a sudden went out and bought all types of expensive gear, and expected trophy perfection right off the bat, then quit in disappointment, just didn’t get it !!! The real fly fisherman does understand, learns, and develops to a pinnacle of perfection, but still is humble enough to know that he/she will always be learning (the streams, lakes & oceans have much to teach), and that every trophy is a precious gift (to be cherished) !!!

I’m wrapping up my 2nd year of “serious” fly fishing. I never have the fish figured out, and water clarity, temperature and other factors make it almost impossible that 2 fishing outings will be the same!
I’d been fishing a local pond pretty hard all Spring and doing well, and then a fellow FAOL’er visited, and showed me some new flies/tricks that worked as good (and sometimes better) than what I had been using. Wonderful!
And then adding species is always fun, too. I was fortunate enough to tangle with a few catfish last year, and over a dozen more this year. And I finally got a number of carp to hit, and landed some, including my personal biggest ever (and I grew up fishing for them with my Dad!). Also added some of the exotic species while in Florida this past Spring. What a blast!!
Although I always feel more “satisfied” when I catch some fish, fly fishing is fun in itself…much more so for me than with an unsuccessful “spin-fishing” outing.

Getting back into fly fishing only several years ago I can feel your pain, however just remember what they say,“A bad day fishing is still better than a good day at work.”:wink: I’m far from being an expert on ready the water and most of what I know is from trial and error (and the great info I’ve gotten from this site). However the most important thing I learned is to be flexible in my approach to fishing a body of water (river,pond,ect.). If you find a spot you think fish are holding up don’t rush to it but fish your way to it, including places you don’t expect fish to be. Sometimes the places were you don’t expect fish to be are exactly were they are. Now I’m not saying go out of your way to fish these spots, but there is no reason not to cast to them while you approach the spot you want to fish. The same goes for presenting your fly. If nothings taking it, before you try a different fly or different location change the way you present it to the fish (even if it’s not the ‘proper way’) sometimes it works. When the fish aren’t bitting it’s the perfect time to experiment. :smiley:


Sorry you had a tough year, I went through the same thing when I started fly fishing all by my self. I knew absolutely zero. The flies I bought at the hardware store in Truckee: were they wets, dries, how do you fish upstream or downstream, surface or deep? How’s my backcast, I don’t know but I’m snappin’ off flies. Didn’t catch anything, of course.

Read, read the books by Dave Hughes, Ralph Cutter, Gary La Fontaine. Read California Fly Fisher. Read about bugs, read about fish, read about techniques. I devoured those books. I still didn’t have a place to store it in my brain because I didn’t have the experience. Then a guy took me to a lake, showed me what to do and I caught a beautiful rainbow trout. Then some guys took me to a river and showed me what to do and I caught some trout. Then it clicked.

You need a fly fisher to show you what to do. When you went to the Bear with those guys you really got introduced to where and why and how. You hooked up with the club and went to Downieville. I pulled 4 trout from one hole there just two weeks ago. Look how much I have learned! I joined our club and there is a bunch of people just drooling to take somebody fishing. Get those guys in your club to show you how.


Actually, that (Ace) “Hardware” store has a pretty decent fly-fishing gear selection! :o Better outfitted than some stand-alone shops are. I found and bought a Simms fishing shirt that I hadn’t been able to find anywhere else, and I paid less for it too!