A Month Late

It’s a month late but I am sure most of you will be appreciative:

[FONT=Times New Roman]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-HeETwJSUc&feature=player_embedded[/FONT]

WOW! That is beyond great!

I have forwarded this on to some friends to enjoy and share…

Nothing like sharing a little Hope…

Thanks & Be safe


WOW! That is beyond great!‬

I have forwarded this on to some friends to enjoy and share…

Nothing like sharing a little Hope…

Thanks & Be safe



I was lucky enough to have seen two Bob Hope shows during my 3 1/2 years in Viet Nam. He was one of us, or at least made us feel that way. His jokes were our jokes, and we all appreciated the effort he put out to bring us a little sanity and humor in the midst of the carnage of war.


Bob Hope, the greatest American hero…at least in the opinion of this old 'Nam Vet. Yes, he SHOULD be a Saint.


The fact that you were in Nam for 3-1/2 years would make some of us think you were too lucky. But if you had to be there getting to go the Bob Hope show would have to had been a top of the list thing to do. I now have at least 3 versions of the history channel and spend several night a week with WWII video, last night I saw the piece they did on Ernie Pyle, who was killed while with the 1st Marine Div. I think it was. Bob Hope and Ernie Pyle have to be in a club of people who you can send in a subsitute for but can’t replace. God bless them both.

Uncle Jesse.
Thank you for the link. Nobody did it better than Bob Hope. I believe that the only thing he loved more than Mrs. Hope & Golf was our GI’s. He made us all feel like we were still in the world.

Wow I thought all my happy tears were over with the Christmas season, my oldest son home after 5yrs and all three boys on the floor at Christmas morn opening presents like when they were kids, even Fischer recovering from what ever tried to kill him in the summer, but no Uncle Jesse you had to take me back to my youth and Christmas sitting on that lino floor smelling the home heating fuel and watching the B/W TV, you may have to explain B/W to the young folk, and of course that Silent Night at the end of the show. Thank you so very much for, my child hood crush the only woman I would think of walking out on mother Fairwx for - Rachel Welch, and of course MR Bob Hope that wonderful man God Bless Mr Hope…

Thanks and Bless my FAOL family

Uncle Jesse, thanks for posting this link.

Please allow me to continue this wonderful thread with another to share…


Hope is smiling down on us today!

One guy said all that needs to be said…

God bless Bob Hope.

Thanks for the memories.

Please allow me to continue this wonderful thread with another to share…


Hope is smiling down on us today!
Like Kerry said God Bless him!