a little info please!

I just found this web site yesterday and I have never writen in any forum before. I could use some information on fly fishing for a certain area. I’m taking a trip to a place called Eagle Lake in northern California to visit family the week of July 4th. I have not fly fished in 20 plus years. I would like to know what flys to get and what is the best rod and reel to buy.

I cannot help you with the info you need but I can welcome you to the greatest fly fishing, fly tying, rod building, fly anything site on the web!:wink:

A big hardy welcome from Tennessee!

Don’t be a stranger here and join in. We love new members and what they offer the rest of us.

Another welcome from Tennessee.
“what kind of rod to buy”. That is like saying “what car should I buy”. Expect a lot of opinion. Maybe someone that knows the area can give you helpful advice on what weight rod would be best but after that it’s all opinion on rods/reels.

A good choice for Eagle would be a 5 or 6 weight. Most folks fish weighted woolly buggers (olive, rust, and black) as well as a baitfish imitations like Zonkers or Matukas (white, black, olive) on a floating or intermediate sinking line. Have both types of line if possible (rig up an extra spool for quick changes). It’s always a good idea to check in with a local fly shop once you’re out there to get a better idea of the conditions, tips and areas to go.

It’s very large lake, with some very large trout. Fishing can be done by wading, float tube, or boat-- and there even is (or at least was) a drop off service where you could get dropped off to a section of the lake by boat and picked up later.

A 5 or 6 weight should also be a blast in Alabama, so it’s not just a CA thing. Either would be a good choice for panfish and bass, (with a 6 weight having a tad more oomph for throwing larger poppers etc for bass.) So once you get an outfit, have at it in AL before your big trip.

Good luck,


As others have Said Welcome to FAOL from Washington State.

I can’t give advice on the lake in California, I will give my opinion on a rod, If I could only have one rod it would be an 8.5 to 9 foot 6wt. it is good for trout pan fish and smaller bass. Any good reel will do, I would look at medalist’s but that is my preference.

More importantly is go out and find a casting instructor (local fly shop should be able to direct you) and learn to cast. then go find a lake full of blue gills and have some fun, so when you go to California you aren’t totally lost.

Fly Casting isn’t hard but it does take some practice.

Good luck and stay around the board


These references may be helpful



Check your PM’s for links and background info on the lake.

Best, Dave

jeremi227, Welcome to FAOL. I was going to suggest to contact Val at Eagle Lake fishing but I see tailing loop done did it. My friend Dave managed the marina there for a few years. I talked to him a few weeks ago and he told me the water is still way down and lake conditions are poor right now. Hopefully the rain and snow we’ve had there will continue to raise the lake level and by the time you get there things will be good. I’ve fished Eagle from a tube with a 4 wt. Used a type III sinking tip and streamers. Caught up to 3 lb trout. I’d agree with eric about the 6 wt. You can use it at home. Good luck there. Jimsnarocks


Welcome to absolutely the best flytying and flyfishing website around. Just look at the responses you’ve received already…pretty great, huh? LOTS of very knowledgeable and kind people here.

I don’t have any information for you on California Lake fishing but I’m sure others will provide you with some excellent advice. Welcome to FAOL though. Glad to have you with the group. Let us hear from you on a regular basis. 8T :slight_smile:

Yo ! Jeremy227 !! Welcome to FAOL. and Greetings from Sunny So. Oregon.
Eagle lake is right in my old stompin’ grounds, Just south of Modoc County in N. Ca.
It’s a fairly shallow lake, and gets very windy and squally in the afternoons, I’ve had some dicey trips back to shore in a small boat there a time or two… You’ll enjoy the news that it is home to Eagle Lake Trout, as I understand it a species of their own. They get quite large, I’ve seen many over 24" They put me to mind of steelhead, although more colorful sometimes. The previous advice from peregrines is excellent regarding flies. The typical method I know of there is to wade out and throw flies, stripping them back slowly. Local info is available at the lake. Right now it’s a little early, and guaranteed to be quite cold there. There is also another fly shop in Fall River Mills, not far away.
It’s called The Shasta Angler, and they have a website. Happy fishin’

I can’t give any more advise on eagle lake then what was given, except maybe on the 4th of july you may have to find the deepest parts with the coolest water. A 6 weight will definately take good care of you and I agree with the flueger medalist. That is all I use in still water and it handles everything well even upto 5lb trout. I would, if you can get them, try some stillwater nympths. I have found them to be killer just about anywhere I go. A good selection of woolybuggers as well in colors that are a little different. Say burnt orange, rust brown, etc and tied with grizzly hackle dyed in various colors. Just my two cents. Welcome to FAOL, pull up a chair, the coffee is on the house but bring the donuts LOL.

Welcome Jeremi,
The bugs mentioned will work…well at times.
We don’t fish it often, but some of our most fun times are during the first 2hrs of daylight. We are lazy and at this time of day we are quite successful by wandering the shore, high and dry in tenny-runners, tossing some of these baitfish immi’s at shore cruisers. Eagle does have a closed season and we are not sure that you trip isn’t during that season.
…lee s.

Welcome to the site!

thanks, the information i got will be very very helpful.

Jeremi227 -

Greetings and welcome from SE Idaho.

Can’t help you on the stillwater fishing in CA, but it looks like you already go a potful of advice that will help you stick some big trouts down there.

Best of luck. And stick around and join in.
