A leach sucking egg ??

Years ago back in the 40’s when I first started tying, the very popular Woolly Worm patterns often incorporated a turn of red chenille near the rear of the fly. As I think of those patterns today, I can see that the turn of red chenille could easily resemble an egg at the rear of the fly.

Therefore, could we (or should we) really consider this pattern a “Leach Sucking Egg”?

Food for thought from an old tier.

We already have a EGG SUCKING LEECH in our fly selections. Why change the wording around??? BILL


You missed the point, its a joke. But then we could also call it a “Leach Pooping an Egg” since the egg is at the rear of the fly.


Jim, I think you’re onto something here !



P.S. Do you have a name for a wooley
with red yarn at both ends?

Oh I got it alright just thought I’d get something back from you. Threre is a red rear fly called HOT BUT CaDDIS BILL

  1. Red at both ends HBESL( hot butt egg sucking leech)

No! Red Butt isn’t a Hot Butt. :smiley:
How about Siamese Twin Double Egg Sucking Leech?
Doug :shock:

I think it would be a “BIPOLAR” :lol:

LMAO!!! I would love to see someone interpret HBESL onto a hook!! Just for kicks, I may try it myself!