A K Vise

What is the deal with the A K Best vise. Is it a good product ? are the jaws to brittel ? in production ? all information appreciated.

If we are talking about the DanVise, I own one. For a true rotary that lists for under a $100 it is a grand deal. Will it stack up against a Dyna King that cost closer to $400 over the next 30 years? Probably not, but it is a heck of a value. I like mine. I also like my Peak which is all metal and made in the USA with American labor.

Hi ibrb,

It hasn’t been made in a while. I believe that after A.K marketed it, it went to, or was called a Mackensie (spelling?) vise and was sold by The Fly Shop in California. I’m just going by memory on that and could have the wrong shop.
It did have one or two things that weren’t perfect on it, but overall didn’t seem that bad at all. I always liked the jaw tip design from the pictures as it looked like it would be great for small hooks.


Last I heard, the rights to that vise were sold to Raymond C. Rumpf. Rumpf is a fly fishing distributor that sells to dealers (ie. fly shops) only.

A friend of mine has one of those vises - they’ve been out of production for quite a few years. There were rumors that Rumpf was going to re-introduce the vise, but I’ve heard nothing for the past few years about this coming to fruition.

I’ve personally tyed flies on it, and wasn’t especially impressed. The jaws were serrated on the inside edges, and that made positioning the hook a bit of an adventure for me, especially small ones (like size 20 and under). if you want a very similar constructed vise with a better set of jaws, take a look at the HMH Standard with the midge jaws installed in it…

hello all. ak vise need some work but it is good vise i love to have one wtb buy one if get one want to sell pm me

Get an HMH - can’t be beat for the money…spartan is a great vise

hello my friend had one we tying every wed nite he pass away last year his wife sold it for the money to get by i what one so everytime i see and tying i think from my friend

god bless

Thank’s for the information. have HMH & Dan vise prefer Regal.