Well I went back to the pay to play lake today…payed my money for the fly club and I am back in it. I went down and fished for a few hours later in the day. Had lots of fun! even though I only caught one fish. I took my three weight and my 6 weight.
Finally was able to try the furled leaders that Fly goddess sent me! MAN!!! are they ever AWESOME!!! Holy cow! those things turn over like a feather! JUST AMAZING! thanx again fly goddess!!!
Anyways, Here are some shots of my day(narrated none the less) Darn!!! there are two spots on the left that were my FAVORITE spots on the lake last year and they put trees behind so now I have to cast all funky in my favorite spots!! :?
The Castwell knot it will be!!!..The Nail knot failed me when I got into a fight with a tree… :shock:
FISH ON!! I caught a small bluegill on my three weight, THEN a 3-4 pound bass comes over and eats it while still on my line! My three weight is bent to the cork!(caught on the furled leader from fly goddess, have no reservations about there strength!!!) Bass eventually dug into the weeds and snapped off my fly.
Me doing a double haul with 60 feet of line in the air. (with my 6weight)
God Bless America. They put up a flag at the lake, Pretty cool I think.
Very Nice Report!!! Made my day!!!
Looks like you had a great day flyandtie !
Great shot of the bent rod! I can almost feel that bass tugging! BTW, pretty cool to have a big fish eat the little fish and get hooked himself. Never experienced that one…
Thank you for the kind comments!
Wildone, It’s interesting for sure! Definately fun… This lake is a little over populated with the bigger bass so it happens frequently.
You mentioned you had to pay to fish this lake. Is payment for day use or do you pay by the pound?
Looks like a nice place to fish.
Overpopulated with big bass? :shock: That must be rough… hehehe
Very cool shots, f&t!
You can pay by the day, But that gets really expensive at 20.00 a pop. And you have to keep all the fish you catch, as well as 4$ a pound over the 5 lb weight limit :shock:
I go into the fly club they have which is 50.00$ a month, And catch and release only.I love it, I get to fish and not have to take any fish home! (I don’t like to eat fish BTW) trout is the main species there, bass are secondary, bluegill and catfish are also in there.
QK, Yeah its a real tuffy having an overpopulation of bass over 2 pounds…it really sucks ya know.
Thanks again for the nice comments.
Move up here! We have ALL YOU CAN CATCH Bass!!! FREE!!! except for your Res. Fishing License.
Most of our Bass die of old age and probably never even see a fly or bait! In the Paper today I read that the Warmwater Club in Portland caught 300 Bass in the Willamette River near here. The focus around here is on Trout, Salmon, Sturgeon, Steelhead and hardly anyone fishes for Warmwater Species.
The Columbia River has like a gazzilion miles of shoreline that holds Largemouth & Smallmouth, Walleye to 20 lbs, Sturgeon that could swallow you WHOLE!!! :lol: :lol:
If you want, I will contact a Realtor for you???
No thanks. I like the weather to much in cali.
May you someday get to do some real flyfishing. No longer on a private stocked lake but in a river known for it’s wild trout. Where you can meet the real challange of trout fishing. You are now developing some of the skills you’ll need when you get the chance, so keep it up.
Nice post, nice pictures.
Jack, Already done that…6ft wide creek at it’s widest, crystal clear water, 7ft 3wt, 6-7x tippet, hiding behind rocks, crouching by cover, crawling on knees…all the good stuff. Natives they were. fun stuff.
Try the Deschutes 8)
If you fly fished the Deschutes (Central OR) You would NEVER leave! You would Permanently pitch your tent and become a Trout Bum.
Check it out on the Internet!
If you change your mind, houses are selling ‘Dirt’ CHEAP around here!!! A couple inches of rain isn’t going to MELT you!!!
Chris, you haven’t lived till you winter steeheaded up here :twisted:
:lol: :lol: That’s right Chris! Winter Steelie fishing will make a man out of you and maybe even grow hair on your chest!
Doug, Duckster,
I passed your warm water by looking for trout 2 years ago when my wife and I stayed in Hood River for an event. I got to fish a lake near Mt Hood and the Deschutes at Maupin. Last year I got sick and missed the trip. This year my reservations got mixed up and I missed the trip. Looking forward to next summer, gonna try for bass, too!
I like Oregon.
Let’s go, Chris!
That is a very nice looking little spring creek, love that gin clear water. Used to dap for brookies in the Doc & Tom up in Michigan the same way.
This is a River and that’s a 16" Rainbow pulling my string!
Got to get your feet wet!
I may be the worse steelhead fisherman in the world, or Oregon has the toughest steelhead fishing in the world. Two years hand running and not a fish brought to hand by this pitiful soul.
If you want to catch big numbers of “Silver Bullets,” then Steelhead Alley is the place to do it. With over 1 million fish planted annually between Michigan and New York, there is excellent steelheading from October or November thru April and sometimes into May. Fall spawners, winter hold overs and spring spawners keep the river full of fish for 6-7 months. Any tributary flowing into Lake Erie gets a run of fish, even if they were never planted in those waters. It’s simply amazing. Early season also sees the stray Coho and occasional King as well. Last year a Pink Salmon was caught for the first time, and it became an immediate state record at about 3 pounds. Crazy! Double digit days are not out of the question, and if you know how to get down in the zone, you won’t have any problem catching fish. I know my fellow Ohio steelheaders will chastise me for promoting our fishery like this, but it’s not like it’s a secret.
Sorry, ducksterman, you have the beautiful scenery and highly technical water out there, but we has the big numbers of fishies and we aint got no hydro dams to get in their way or chew up the smolts.
How did we get on this topic anyway. I feel as though the thread has been Jack Hise’d…Oops! I meant High Jacked. :lol: