Just thought I would throw this out for anyone that might be interested:
Two weeks ago I just had to get out on the river and fly fish. The daytime temperature around 43 degrees and the water temperature was 44 degrees. I was fishing a section of river that was probably no wider than 35 feet with a fast water chute down the center of it. The fast water started out no deeper than 1 foot and gradually got deeper until it dumped into a hole about 4 foot deep. This spot has always been a pretty good spot for trout and the eddy water on both sides of the fast water would always hold some good bluegill fishing during the summer. I tied on one of Peter Fraily’s “mini-jigs” so it would get down in the fast water and just bump along the bottom. I did catch 17 trout on it, but, I also caught one crappie and 5 bluegill on it! This may be a fly you all need to try during the cold water season for your bluegill in the deeper ponds, lakes and rivers. I know I will be using it as the weather starts to warm up to catch myself some bluegill. You can see the fly and the tying instuctions at: www.fishingwithflies.com
Go to his “favorite flies” section and “click” on “mini-jigs”