What started as a “Wouldn?t it be fun to” may become a reality. Brad and I discussed the possibility of driving to the 2011 Idaho Fish-In while at the Michigan Fish-In.*
I’m retired and single; Brad is married and will be retiring at the end of this year. A trip like this would not be a problem for me but Brad would have to convince his spouse to let him go.*
I, for one, am looking forward to this travelogue. Their sense of humor and a half case of George D. should stand them in good stead to finish the trip as good a friend as when they began. Cheers and lift one up to the intrepid voyageurs. Slainte!
Mark I’m sure it will take more than a 1/2 case of george!!
We’ve already been in touch with HRH Betty and 8wt about the fishing in the Black Hill and have had some very interesting emails from John Scott and the fishing in the Bitterroot Valley.