a few Soft-Hackles

Here are a few soft-hackle flys I tyed


Well done… Nice proportions, nice colors, just plain nice. Best Regards…

Nice jog…I bet the fish like them too:^)

A fish killer every one of them, but I really like that second one a lot. What are you using for the body?

Nice flies , like the black one
should take fish on them


Three very nice flies!!!
What is the tail on the 1st fly? Looks familiar.

Those are very nice!

the fly are all tyed on the mustad 3906 size10 to 16, fly #1 is a black prince the tail is dyed red bronze mallard, fly #2 is Brown hackle the body is peacock herl, fly #3 is the orange and partridge.

Very nice. I really like soft hackles. All of those look very fishy and will do you well.

  • Jeff

While all three are beautiful and definite fish catchers, that second one is a real looker!

i tie one just like the second but i have been using grizzly hackle instead of brown. Havent tried it yet but looks like it should entertain some wild brookies

Very Nice ties and colors. I just like soft hackle flies.

I like them all Gray, Orange & Partridge best though.



They all look great!
cdpaul mentioned brookies. I hope to fish for some Iowa brookies later this year. Are softhackles effective for small-stream brook trout? What colors/sizes do you fellas find these fish to prefer?

FishnDave most any of the soft hackle fly will work and if it small stream think small, I myself would use size 14 hook it a nice size for any fish you would take. If these small streams are like the small stream in SE Washington state (my home stomping grounds for like 30 years) I hook and released fish up to 14 inches, these were red sid trout not brookies, I found that the small streams were over looked by most people so no pressure and if they have water 365 days a year with a flow you could run in to some good size fish which will surprise you that it came out of that creek you could step across.

Hi FishnDave,

For brookies, I find yellows and red to be the best colours; think Parmachene Belle’s and Micky Finns. For soft hackle patterns, Pritt’s Water Cricket is one I would suggest (yellow body; see Fly of the Week archives), and also a Spanish Needle (red body, inside feather from a Snipe’s wing (or greyish part of a starling feather for substitute), and a peacock herl head, both in size 14. A Brown Hackle (like the one shown, or without the red tail) is also a really good brookie pattern.

  • Jeff

[b]After a few days reflection, I really like that first (black) fly.

The second is the ‘Red Tag’, regarded by John Roberts as the best grayling fly in the UK.
It can be tied with hen or cock hackle, and fished wet or dry.
There is a group of flies all the same but with different coloured tags,
thus, Red, White, Green… etc Tag.
The version using orange or yellow is called ‘Treacle Parkin’,
there is also a ‘Badger Red Tag’.
These are all used for trout/grayling.

The third needs little comment, except, very nicely tied.