A few Flies.....

Just a few of my ties I took a pic of my last trip out…

The pictures are small, but the flies look good! :smiley: :tieone:

From what I could see with my old eyes, the flies looked good. Dave is right. Bigger pics would have been nicer for us old timers.

Very nice looking flies.

Anyone using the newest Internet Explorer browser, after you click on the pictures, look in the bottom right corner of your window and change the zoom to 400% to get a little better look. It blurs the image a bit but with these you can still see pretty well.

Must be a popular pool
You don’t usually see that many flies stuck in a tree so close together

I also forgot that you can also enlarge the contents any MS Explorer window by hitting “Control +” as many times as you need to enlarge it. Then hit “Control -” that same number of times to reduce the size back to original.

I’m such a techno-nothing…it never occured there must be an easy way to enlarge the screen. FishnDave & joe cool, my eyes thank you.

Jeez, I never knew that. Thanks for the tip!

Sculpin14. Welcome to FAOL. Those are nice flies. Thanx and hats off to Joe Cool for enabling me to see them. BTW 200% works for me. 400 distorts too much. Jim

Also, holding down Ctrl and scrolling with the wheel on top of the mouse will let you go up or down…
art the anti-geek

That works in Firefox too. :slight_smile: the ctl + thing

I use Firefox and everything on the page gets larger but the pictures??? Oh, ctl plus the number 0 puts everything back to what you started with too.

go back to one of haps flies, click on it, then when it’s on it’s own page try the ctl thing

I had done that, JC and tried again just now…nothing.

The interesting thing is when I go back to this page everything {except the picture} is magnified.

This is weird…I never knew and did not write the last sentence of this quote. It does work. Someone added it …didn’t know someone could do that:confused::confused:.

I also didn’t know about the CRTL + and my diabetic eyes are like wow I can see that. I have really considered a how to use your computer class at the local school 8)

Sorry ducky, that was me. I wanted to ad it last evening, got on your instead. :slight_smile: