A Day Out With The Grandson

A few weeks ago, mid-February, we decided that we’d had enough of not fishing for the winter. Pushing it a bit we hit the mountains on a 50-ish degree day, though colder in the mountains. Lovely wife, daughter and grandson joined me.

Stopped at one of our favorite picnic sites alongside the stream we ate a nice lunch. The breeze was a little cool and it was overcast. Braden and I were in a hurry to eat and hit the water.

After lunch, well ya know, grandpa’s have to put all this stuff on… waders, boots, vest… rig up a rod… by that time everyone else was down at the river’s edge. Before I even got to the water Braden had dropped his rod in a pool… “I’ll get it!” and sloshed right through the pool (42 degree water isn’t too terribly bad) in his pants and tennis shoes.

Photo’s courtesy of my beautiful wife.

Tie a fly on, Poppy!” Which seemed a bit more dangerous than normal. Yup, skipping rocks is a part of fly fishing with little guys.

Then it was time to go after 'em. A fly “like Poppy’s” was tied on to that Spiderman rod.

Poppy did manage to catch one little rainbow. He was only about 6 inches, which is about normal for this stream. Thanks to WarrenP – I tied up several of his version of the “Reverse Spider” the night before – and that’s what caught the little guy.

If you look close you can see some of the wildlife that we got to see. One one side of the road were 3, on the other were about a dozen turkeys.

Continued in next message…

Well, do you think the little guy had some fun? Someone got a little wet… <ahem>… and didn’t have a change of clothes. Thank goodness Poppy brought some spares.

Personally, I think we’re gonna do it again!!

Happy Fishing!
John R

Priceless… That little guy is one happy camper…:slight_smile:

John R,

How handsome, happy and admiring he is of you and his grandma. You can see it in his eyes that you two really are his heroes and angels!

Those are some mighty big (and fine!) shoes to fill!!

:DI don’t beleive you can have a better day on the water than that right there.

Looks like a great day for sure and a good story to tell in the future at family gatherings when he gets older.



Great Stuff!

Makes me want to leave work, grab the grandkids and head to the stream.

Then there’s more… http://www.flyanglersonline.com/bb/showthread.php?t=27578

BEST GRANDPA award winner here!