A Christmas idea

Well I have created a monster! I got my little brother into flyfishing and well he love’s it, awesome since we get along so well now I have a fly fishing buddy. He has been soaking up all the information about flyfishing he can gather and has since been asking about bamboo rods. I am in the process of getting a bamboo rod something I have wanted for years but I have an old Medalist reel that I’m going to put on it. I was wondering a good place to purchase a new reel that would look right on a 4wt bamboo rod? the gentleman building mine I have dropped the hint about building one that I could give my little brother for Christmas but I need to find a reel that would look right. Any suggestions fella’s would be awesome.

I need to do some research about flylines, I would guess the new flylines would work but hey if I’m going to go the bamboo route with old style reels might as well see about going with the old style flyline. He is stuck on the movie a river runs through it! any help, suggestions, opinions are very welcome. Later,


I think a medalist would look great on his rod, as well. Best news is, the price is right on them, for the most part.

Here is the one I put on mine…



I second the Medalist reel. They have a great traditional look and do the job quite well. They’re also just about bullet proof. As far as an “old time” line goes, do the research and be willing to put in the time to care for a silk line. They are high maintenance, but cool. If you go with a modern line I would recommend the Cortland Sylk line. It has a thinner diameter for the smaller snake guides on an old bamboo. They look good too and have a lesser coil memory than some of the other newer lines.

Ditto on a Medalist, you just can’t beat it for the money.
for lines, for years i’ve used the cortland"peach" line and loved it on bamboo. recently I switched to the hook and Hackle house brand line and actually like it a little better. It’s a great line for the money.

The Medalist is undoubtedly a Classic Reel in it’s own right and would look grand on a fine bamboo rod. That being said, I have a 4 wgt bamboo rod made by the late John Channer that I think deserves a really fine reel, so I’m looking at the Hardy Cascapedia. Classis look and Hardy quality. ( http://www.amazon.com/Hardy-Cascapedia-MKII-Reel-Weight/dp/B001JGA2SO ) I think a nice double taper Phoenix silk line would complete the whole thing.

Caring for a silk line can be time consuming, but taking that lunch break to dry your line, have a bite to eat, then treat the line while waiting for the afternoon bite to come on is all part of enjoying the whole fly fishing experience. While a silk line is indeed expensive by the standards of the plastic lines ( http://www.herndonrods.com/phoenix_lines.htm ) , a properly cared for silk line will be a line that your kids can fish as part of their inheritance.


Ok while I’m doing ok in life I think I’ll have to pass on the silk line :open_mouth: so Cortland here I come, I thought about the Medalist and being I already have one I may get another for the LB now I just have to wait to see about the time and if the guy would like to build the rod and trying to get a cost from him is an interesting feat it seems :slight_smile: oh well keep you fingers crossed for me and if anyone knows of a person that likes to tie rods and doesn’t want enough to put his kid through college with one sale please pass the information on if you don’t mind. Thanks folks! Later,


Well the credit card just got hurt VERY BAD! ordered the rod now I have figured that looking around I’m going to go with the Medalist reel just cause well it looks right! the rod is going to be a 5wt and what I have always gone by is I need backing is this something that I really need to add? reason I ask is there are some choices and I’m kinda torn which direction to go so your opinions would be greatly appreciated!

1492 up to 5wt no backing
1492 1/2 up to 6wt no backing
1494 up to 7wt 50yd 20# backing

I’m thinking about going with the 1492 what are your thoughts? Later,


Sorry 1492 1/2 is what I meant oopsie! Later,



That should do nicely. If your using a WF line and need to have more backing you an always cut off twenty feet of running line and have room for backing, which takes up less room than running line.


The medalist is a great choice, I have one on mine, just some info that might help here. the screws came loose on mine after some use, keep an eye on that, and tighten them " if " that happens, cause those little tiny screws are a booger to find in free flowing water… :wink:

Your little brother is gonna be the happiest little brother in the world this Christmas…:slight_smile:

The smaller the arbor is on your reel, the tighter the memory coils are going to be in your line. That’s one of the reasons that large arbor reels were invented. You might want to consider the 1494 with 100 yards of 20# backing. You don’t necessarily need 100 yards of backing for larger fish, but it will give you a larger arbor to store your line on the reel. Just my nickels worth and totally your choice.

Good point that I didn’t think of! see if I wouldn’t have ask the question? you guys are great and yes I hope he enjoys the rod! I’m kicking his @$$ if he doesn’t LMAO. I got an e-mail from the gentleman who is tying the rod for me and he said that the inscriptions were done and the first coat was drying, I hope he got my e-mail! it was going to take a few weeks but he said he had a 7’8" 209E Garrison taper and it will be completed by Friday :open_mouth: I wanted to talk to him on the phone prior so everyone cross your fingers everything is correct as I’m sweating bullets right now no fingernails left to chew on.
