a bit of humor

this year at a NAFC gathering in Lacroose a picture was takenof me well i was flyfishing . Now i dont usaly use
a indacater that big.

its a bouy but it shure looks like its on the end of my line.

Excuse me but this is a flyfishing site. That non-regulation indicator you are using is almost big enough that you might be accused of using a (horrors ) BOBBER! :shock: Not a pretty sight to be sure.
Ps. If you need one that big I would suggest you update your last eye exam. lol :lol:

:shock: See any fish? Catch anything?

With FRIENDS like that who needs ENEMIES! :smiley:
Doug :smiley:

We need a better story. How about a picture of the lockness (sp) monster, that took a chartreuse egg sucking leech and was taking a leap, before running. :smiley:

Feel free to add:


That’s the strike indicator, … Imagine the size of the split shot on the leader !!

I suppose FAOL will have to add another Forum.
Doug :cry:

:smiley: the rod tosser,
Alright! Another angler that likes fishing from the sitting position. We need more.


rod tosser; The size of the indicator shows serious INTENT. :wink:

Lotech; I just know if I used a chair I would Can over it first time I had a fish on. :lol: Jax

Next time I want you to go for it! Park a old recliner in the river with a lamp and table next to you for when it gets dark. Maybe a magazine rack with your fav FF magazines. You might get in the FF Hall Of Fame (shame).
Doug :smiley:

I’m impressed. That is seriously laid back!

I filled an old lawn chair with concreate for the hole by my home, worked great, you could get up and the chair would stay put.

Rod Tosser, if you need a strike indicator that big it might be time for new glasses.

I have been accused of being lazy, but this … well aren’t we suppose to be out there for the EXCERCISE! Well, I guess if you count carring the chair to the water :smiley:

That’s right! You put some floatation under you chair and you can float tube the river!
Doug :smiley:

:smiley: Fly Goddess,
On this trip I actually used the chair as a wading staff until I got to that spot in the river. Watching me wade is like watching someone standing up in a rocking chair with roller skates on.

Now that makes sense :!: I am waiting for the day that I am out there with my walker :lol: …Which isn’t…a…bad…idea. Four legs… :idea:

Drive a jeep into the river and fish from the comfort of your own vehicle.