[i]My wonderful wife Susan, besides being an outstanding Mother is a darn good quilter.
She has done theme quilts in the past but this one she has in the making
captures our wonderful visits to Idaho and the Yellowstone region, where her parents live and we
frequent. It has become another of my favorites…[/i]
That would be my Son with the big fish and me with the tight loop,
I helped her fashion the loop, she said, Oh, that is what you try to make it look like…lol
Within each of her quilt patches she has sewn a vivid memory for us to cherish.
Get this each detail will be hand sewn, that is the quilting part…
I truly don’t understand how she finds the time…
Her quilting is a reflection of the love and happiness she displays and gives our family every day.
What I do understand is that I am one lucky man and I give thanks for this life I have with her…
I can think of no better compliment than to say that totally Is Lowell Idaho, the Lochsa, the Selway and the Clearwater with the Lolo Pass in the background. She Might have left out 90 miles of twisting winding road but she got everything else. ( maybe a turkey or two ) still a very Nice…no…make that an awesome job.
Tell your wife she is deeply gifted! Wow those are incredible, great work! I think she captured it well. I have never been to Idaho but now I feel like I ought to go.
Eagle coming in for a landing to feed his young,
As you drive into Yellowstone from the West Yellowstone entrance
about 6-miles you round a bend , dead tree to the right with a big eagle nest.
yep, that is the one. A favorite spot for lunch.
The photo in-print of of Michael and I , Island park at Henrys outlet
right next to the highway bridge.
Waterfall: A fine day spent in Yellowstone near the stinky mud-pots, lol
Casting beneath the Tetons…
Casting and catching a big one in Island Park res with our
beloved Aunt Bobbie and Uncle Jerrys cabin in the backdrop.
the Bear, Just because…
Thanks for all your kind words, she will beam from within…
I am sure that Susan will be beaming from within - not so much because of all the well deserved compliments regarding HER artwork, but because of how the love you have for her shows through in YOUR words.
That is too cool. I love the themes in those quilts. My wife too is a quilter but she doesn’t do photo quilts yet. Here is a copy of her latest effort, done in the honor of our soon to arrive great grand daughter. I love these quilts.
Eagle coming in for a landing to feed his young,
As you drive into Yellowstone from the West Yellowstone entrance
about 6-miles you round a bend , dead tree to the right with a big eagle nest.
yep, that is the one. A favorite spot for lunch.
The photo in-print of of Michael and I , Island park at Henrys outlet
right next to the highway bridge.
Waterfall: A fine day spent in Yellowstone near the stinky mud-pots, lol
Casting beneath the Tetons…
Casting and catching a big one in Island Park res with our
beloved Aunt Bobbie and Uncle Jerrys cabin in the backdrop.
the Bear, Just because…
Thanks for all your kind words, she will beam from within after she shoots me…
ps: nice quilt Joe, I saw your wife’s quilt earlier in your journal , my congratulations again on your great granddaughter…
The above pictured quilt by Steve’s wife, is NOT a photo quilt! Each of those parts to the quilt are done (with what appears to be) needle turned applique. That means that she stitched down each little separate piece, turning under the edges and using an invisible stitch, to produce such lifelike pieces.
I applaud her technique, appliqued landscape quilts are also “my cup of tea” and what I am passionate about doing. I also like to do a bit of “thread painting” on my quilts.
Applique quilts usually take longer than most traditionally machine pieced quilts, just because all the parts are sewn on by hand, and often the quilt is quilted by hand as well.
I’m proud to say I’m a quilter, and am extremely happy to see the work of another quilter exhibited here on FAOL.
My wife also quilts and she keeps pinching my tying scissors. Anyway, they are some beautiful quilts fellas and I’ll have to get some photographs of my wife’s quilts to show