911 cheeseburger call


A mind is a terrible thing to waste! :frowning:

The 911 operator really blew it. She should have told the lady that this is a sign that she should give up meat & become a PETA member. She sounds like a perfect candidate!
Mike :lol: :lol:

I heard the problem started when one of the woman’s kids wanted a western burger (spoiled brat) and of course that burger joint didn’t serve a western burger, but hey I’ll just call 911 and the Police will MAKE this joint put it on the menu!!! :smiley:
I’m glad my Mom didn’t spoil me and she was actually intelligent enough to know what burgers belonged at what burger joints.

Yes…the 911 operator failed. Yes she should have dispatched a deputy. Yes the manager should have pressed trespassing charges. Stupid should be rewarded.

Dude that is awful, i never ever thought someone could really think that way.

This is why I want out of Law Enforcement. I tell people I’m going to become a sheppard, so when somthing ticks me off I can shoot it.


I thought that was U.S. Postal Service employee… :shock:


Coyote, Gopher, Ground Squirrel, Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?

Between stupid people, (aka 911 hamburger) and evil people (aka todays police shooting in Moscow Id.) I just want to move somewere and fish. The further from people the better.


Middle Fork of the Salmon?

Middle fork would do for a start, I would prefer alaska about two days hike into an area off the map. (perhaps someday)


Make sure you wear a Bear Bell around your neck so it won’t be a One Way Trip.

Eric I’m with you. I work in our (paramedic) emergency call center and most people would not believe the calls we get. My sympathy goes out to all that have to deal with these lamebrains. I wouldn’t be able to trust myself if was packing. At least you have fishing mate!