9' - 4 wt. - 4 pc. Ideas, Suggestions & Pitches.

Good day,

I got the bug to dig out my old rod wrapping gear and maybe dress out a blank or two this spring. The only hitch in the plan so far is finding a blank that I can get enthused about rotating.

Below you’ll find a list of specifications I’d like to stay within, but I’m flexible. ( with the exception of length, line weight, configuration and action. )
If you’ve built a four piece, nine for four on a blank that is still in production ( commonly available ) that meets those specs and would like to share your thoughts and impressions of it as an angling tool. I’d be interested in reading your pitch, including any vendor info you’d like to pass along.

9’ - 4 wt. - 4 piece

Graphite composite, Medium Fast to Fast Action.

Butt Diameter not to exceed .360

Tip no larger than a 4.

Blank weight not to exceed 1.80 oz.

Blank Price: Max. $200.00

If you drew a blank on that inquiry, here’s another possibility.
Would you know of a source that has a Sage 490-4 RPL or VPS ( not a +, light or blem ) blank still sitting around in their inventory?
Preferably one that won’t require the relinquishment of a first born male child.

A little background, I already have five, nine for fours, so this project is just that - a consumer of excess time, not one driven by any particular need. Which I suppose would explain nearly all that we do, in the name of sport.

Thank you, Dave

The TFO ticr series is 9 ft 4 piece tip is 4 butt is .355 and they weigh in at a whopping 1.6 oz. They profess to be fast I would say medium fast to fast. price $100.00. Try H &H you may be able to get them cheaper if they carry them. I know mudhole has them at $100.00. Nice blank to build and nicer to use.

can’t go wrong with a TFO

Look at Dan Craft. Great blanks and a better price.

These are out of his defined dimensional parameters. But if he doesn’t have one, he should.


Specifically the FTL or Sig V. The FTL is a 6 piece, but is very light. Both blanks are outstanding and come in a 9’ 4 weight. I have an older Sig V and it is the rod I’ll always have with me. I absolutely love it. Good finesse and lots of extra power if you need it.

I built a Sage VT2 9’ 4 wt last year to let clients use in the boat and since then I have had to build two more because folks have just bought them off of me after fishing with them all day. I think it meets all your requirements. The blue blank looks good and it is a fun build. I used double foot guides wrapped with black and tipped with electric blue highlights and black and gold trim on the ferruls and handle. I like overlining it with a 5 wt line personally, but your milage may vary.

Have fun turning out whatever you choose to do.


Hey Guys,

I appreciate all of your responses and suggestions.

I’m already onboard with the T.F.O. rods. Although having both the TiCr and the Pro, for this particular application the Pro would be a closer fit for me, although I wouldn’t mind it if that rods action was a tick or two faster, but not quite that of the TiCr. The downside, I’ve already got the Pro in this configuration, so while it would be nice to have one dressed to the nines, it would also be redundant. Yet the idea is not out of the question.

Using two of the 9’, 4 pc., four weights that I own for comparison sake, here goes nothing. On a sliding scale with the T.F.O Pro being the slowest rod I’d consider for this project and the Scott S3 being the fastest, I’d like to find something that falls comfortably in between the two.

I’ll be sure to look into the Dan Craft offerings and the Sage VT2 is also one I’ve looked at, it may go high in the second round. Even with that big butt, I think the 490-4 comes in at .375. I’d be interested to see the original blank diameter specs of the RPL+ and the RP side by side with the those of the VT2.

I was wondering if anyone has experience with the Elkhorn Traveler, Rainshadow RX7 IM6, American Tackles Green Matrix or St. Croix SC 3 series of blanks ( particularly in the lighter weight, four piece - nine footers. ). While they don’t all strictly follow the specs I proposed earlier, I would be interested in your impressions of them and the applications you’ve used them for.

Thanks again, Dave

I feel that the Dan Craft Signature and the CTS Affinity MX are two blanks to get excited about.

I have the Batson RX8+ 904-4 that I like, it’s not too fast. That or a St Croix SC4 (I have a 905-4) or SC5 would meet your specs. I have been eyeing the TFO ticr blanks, too. I have a Batson RX7 904-4 that is a noodle compared with my others, definitely not fast action, but I like it too. It has a very light feel to it with dry fly and a SA Ultra 4 line, doesn’t do well with a couple nymphs, some split shot, and a bobicator. I use the RX8+ usually, for nymphing or fishing in general, the RX7 for dry flies in smaller waters, and the St Croix SC4 5wt for lake fishing because as a 5wt it casts better if the wind picks up.

This is the DC blank I was talking about. The butt is the same diameter he wants, the tip though is a 4.5 instead of a 4. Which is so minute, no one could really tell.

The Sig V: Always a good one to consider! :mrgreen:

If you want it fast, the Batson RX8 (not RX8+) is one of the fastest around and at a price that won’t hurt. The 8+ us also considered a “launcher” out west because of it’s power and is also one of the faster blanks we sell. Some fast ones lose sensitivity in the tip, but the RX8+ is superb – it can be pricey but there are specials from time to time.

I like Dan Craft blanks – I don’t sell them but I like his products.

TFO is a great all around blank, but the Batson RX8 is faster in my opinion.

Our favorite blank, for most applications, and one of the most popular with custom rod builders is definitely the RX7. I would never call it fast - definitely a true med-fast action. We like this blank for about 90% of fishing conditions. Yes, it is slower than some of the super fast blanks on the market, but it is “fishable.” Know that I do not think that “fast” is better for all around fishing or builds a better rod. I do think that fast is particularly good when you are throwing a lot of line, over 50-60 feet or in windy conditions. The tip size may not meet your specifications, but these can be different in the same class - I wouldn’t pan a blank because of 1/64.

Lastly, SCIV is sweet, but a lot more money. VT2 is a very fishable blank and I like it a lot, but most people wouldn’t put it in the fast category. It’s comparable to the RX7 – overall excellent design and comfortable to use.

None of the one’s mentioned meet all of your requirements. Some have a slightly bigger tip, or butt or whatever. Please don’t limit yourself by some measurements without considering the fishability. We hear from people each week who are disappointed with some rod somebody highly recommended or sold to them at a high price with a fancy name. When I first started building rods, now over 24 years ago, I used to measure and weight everything!! Now, we get samples and examples from all over the world and I build and fish them all. All have different personalities and usually only take a few minutes to learn to cast.

In other words, don’t limit your choices. Try different things and don’t be fooled that high price builds better stuff!

Good replys Hackleman. Especially limiting one’s self on specs. Rod weight, reel weight, and swing weight. All different things.

Pomperaugian- seems like you’re one of a very small percentage that doesn’t like Dan Craft’s rods. But you can’t compare a 9’ 5w 6pc. FTL to a 9’ 4w 4pc. Sig V. Two different rods, with different tapers. It’s not a fair comparison.
I still say check out the SigV