66 years ago minus 1 hours as I type this paratrooper and gliders begin landing in France to begin the liberation of that country from Axis power. The following morning President Franklin D. Roosvelt led the United States in prayer. The link below is a recording of that prayer.
Unfortunately, without additional comment, and sadly,can one imagine what outrage that would evoke today?
Thank you Uncle Jessy brings back memoirs----After all my training I didnt get in on that one. Didnt look forward to the invasion of Japan and that bomb was a life saver. BILL
I was 8 days from being hatched. Had 2 uncles on the Beach. Both survived, both received Purple Hearts.
I agree with Marco. I can hardly imagine… UhOh, Starting a political/religious rant. I’ll just agree with Marco.
Thank you Uncle Jesse for sharing that time in history. Jim
Thanks for sharing that link, very powerful.
Thanks Uncle Jesse,
Yes, powerful. And, fitting for today.
The Longest Day. Also my grandmother’s birthday, God Rest Her Soul. She was born on the 6th hour, of the 6th day, of the 6th month, of the year of our Lord 1916. Three of my Great Uncles were in the Pacific on D-Day fighting the Japaneese. Two were Navy and the other one Army.